Registration for Electrical and Computer Engineering Majors
Important Notice: Everyone has a "service indicator (code-RAC)" on their SPIRE accounts, which prevents enrollment, and which can be removed only by meeting with an advisor and having the advisor turn in a signed Course Selection Form.
Advising Procedure:
Step 1: Getting Started - Download your registration paperwork (a fillable Curriculum Worksheet—see Curriculum page) and a fillable Course Selection Form (CSF). You also need to sign up for an appointment with your faculty advisor, most likely using UMass Apps. Your advisor should either send you a link for scheduling an appointment or provide an alternative format for scheduling. If you do not receive an email from your advisor before November 4, contact Emily Krems for assistance.
Step 2: Getting ready for your Advising Appointment - Review your Course History on SPIRE (under Academics) and write each of the grades from your Course History in the appropriate box on your (fillable) EE or CompE Curriculum Worksheet (see Curriculum page) including “CR” for all transfer and Advanced Placement courses that are listed. For courses with “P”, go to Manage Classes >>Add, Drop & Edit Classes >> Revoke Pass/Fail in SPIRE to see your grades. (Some courses are Mandatory Pass/Fail, so there is no grade in SPIRE.) For courses you are taking THIS semester, enter your best guess or a range of possible grades, e.g., “B?” or “A-/B+”. Review your Course History online, but please do NOT print out the page. Fill out the Course Selection Form as well, including a draft of your academic plan for next semester, and “sign” the form by typing your name into the appropriate field. Make sure that both forms are still fillable when you email them to your advisor. If you cannot figure out how to do this, contact Prof. Bill Leonard
Step 3. Through November 22: Meeting with your Advisor - Before your meeting, email both filled-out documents (a Curriculum Worksheet and a Course Selection Form) to your advisor, still as fillable forms. For your filename, use the format CSF_LastName_FirstName_Fa24. You and your advisor will finalize your academic plan for Spring 2025. If you go to your meeting unprepared, don't be surprised if your advisor asks you to reschedule the appointment.
Step 4. After your Advising Appointment - Your advisor will electronically sign the Course Selection Form then forward the form to the Academic Programs Office. This is how you will get the RAC service indicator removed from your SPIRE account, which is the ONLY way you will be able to preregister for classes. If you need to change the agreed upon academic plan later (e.g., because you failed to meet a minimum grade requirement in one of your classes this semester), you must first consult with your advisor.
Step 5. After your SPIRE Access Period Begins - Sign up for classes beginning on the date and time of your Enrollment Appointment, as shown on your in SPIRE under Manage Classes | Enrollment Appointments | Spring 2025.