DEI Student Employees and Volunteers
The DEI relies on a variety of student employees and volunteers to assist with mentorship, programming, tutoring, and more. If you are interested in getting involved with the DEI through one of these roles, rees [at] umass [dot] edu (contact us).
Engineer Peers
Engineer Peers are upperclassmen students who help first year students feel welcome in the College of Engineering. First Time First Year (FTFY) students are paired with a Peer through freshmen one credit seminar courses. A pair of Peers supports each first-year seminar section, and each Peer is assigned to two sections. The Peers connect with FTFY students through these seminars as well as through the social events that they host. Engineering Peers enroll in one or two courses which support their work; Engin 391P, Peer Leadership in Engineering, meets bi-weekly in the fall and provides the Peers training and support for their work, while Engin 391M, Special Topics in Mentoring, meets in the spring and builds the Peers’ ability and understanding around diversity, equity, inclusion, and mentoring topics.
Diversity Ambassadors
Every year the DEI hires a number of undergraduate workers to assist with programs and events. These students serve as our Diversity Ambassadors for the College of Engineering. Diversity Ambassadors are engineering students committed to playing a leadership role in supporting an inclusive and welcoming community. Ambassadors provide logistical, technical, and evaluation support for our initiatives and programs. They are also charged with leading a personal initiative designed and implemented in close collaboration with the full-time DEI staff.
Outreach Leaders
Outreach Leaders are volunteer undergraduate students in the College of Engineering who are committed to working in the community to encourage the next generation of students to pursue degrees in STEM. Outreach Leaders work in close collaboration with full-time DEI staff, faculty, and student organizations in support of community outreach efforts. They also lead independent outreach projects of their design, which are supported by the DEI. The Graduate Student Outreach Platoon is a group of graduate students similarly engaged in K-12 and community outreach.
Graduate Student Mentors
Each year Graduate Student Mentors work closely with the Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers and the National Society of Black Engineers. These mentors are a critical connection for students in these organizations, providing advice and guidance based upon their own lived experiences. Spaulding-Smith Fellows—outstanding doctoral students from historically underrepresented groups within STEM—also participate in mentorship and development programs hosted by the DEI on a case-by-case basis.