Environmental Engineering Buildings and Equipment
- Engineering Laboratory II (ELab II)
- Research Labs & Graduate Student Offices
- Marston Hall
- Faculty Offices & Additional Graduate Student Offices
- Pilot Building and Field Station
The Environmental and Water Resources Engineering Program occupies the top two floors of the new ELab II building (completed 2004). This includes about 13,000 sq-ft of research laboratories, graduate student offices and computing laboratories, and 6 walk-in environmental control rooms. In addition, the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering has a full-time technician available to support research efforts. A wide range of instrumentation is available in the laboratories of the Environmental and Water Resources Engineering Program on campus.
A wide range of instrumentation is available in the laboratories of the Environmental and Water Resources Engineering Program on campus. Some of this equipment includes:
Process Testing Equipment
- A fully-instrumented and computer-controlled laboratory ozone contacting system, with liquid and gas-phase ozone monitors
- An ultraviolet light reactor with LPUV bulb array
- Gravity Settling and Flotation Jar Test Machines
- Ultrafiltration Membrane Test Cell
- Granular Media filtration Setup
- Hollow fiber membrane Reactors
- A wide range of additional process equipment
Equipment for Analysis of Microorganisms and for Biotechnology
- DNA Engine Thermocycler (MJ Research)
- Luminary Workstation
- Electrophoresis
- Cleanbox DNA Workstation (MJ Research)
- Hybridization Oven/Shaker (Amersham Biosciences)
- PCR Workstation
Equipment for Trace Analysis of Organic Compounds
- 5 Total Organic Carbon Analyzers
- Shimadzu 5000
- Shimadzu TOCV
- Shimadzu 4000
- Dohrmann DC-80
- Total Nitrogen Analyzer
- Shimadzu TOCV
- 3 Total Organic Halide Analyzers (Euroglass, Mitsubishi and Dorhmann)
- 7 Capillary Gas Chromatographs, most equipped with both FID and ECD.
- Agilent 5890 and 6890 GCs
- Varian 3300 and 3500 GCs
- 4 Gas Chromatograph - Mass Spectrometers
- Varian 2200 Ion Trap GC/MS
- Quadrupole instrument with EI, PCI and NCI (HP 5988)
- Waters GC-TOF, Time of flight
- Waters Xevo APGC QTof
- 4 Liquid Chromatographs, with diode array, fluorescence and conductivity detectors
- HPLC: Waters Alliance
- UPLC: Waters Acquity
- 4 Liquid Chromatograph - Mass Spectrometers
- Finnigan LCQ (MS, MS 2 to MS 10 ) with Waters Alliance
- Xevo G2-XS QTof (LC/MS and GC/MS)
- LC/MS: Waters Quattro Premier
- LC/MS: Waters Quattro Micro
- Pyroprobe for pyrolysis-GC/MS (CDS-2000)
Equipment for Trace Analysis of Inorganic Compounds
- 4 Ion Chromatographs employing Chemical Suppression
- Dionex Units
- Metrohm Model 850
- Integrion
- Inductively-coupled plasma – mass spectrometer (Perkin Elmer Elan 9000 ICP/MS)
- Inductively-coupled plasma – emission spectrometer (Perkin Elmer ICP/AES)
- Total Carbon and Total Nitrogen
- Many single analyte YSI meters and clustered sondes
- Many Ion specific electrodes and ISE meters
Equipment for Sample Preparation
- 2 Freeze dryers with shell freezer
- Freeze Drying: Labconco 8
- Rotary evaporators (two 1-L bench-top units and a 20-L floor unit)
- Rotary Evaporation: Buchi R220
- Multi-sample Evaporative Concentrators
- TurboVap LV
- Labconco RapidVap
- Preparative-scale LC columns (up to 9L volume)
- 2 Purge & Trap Units (Envirochem)
- Closed Loop Stripping Apparatus (Brechbuhler)
- Centrifuges (floor and bench-top units)
- Ultrafiltration cells and pressurized reservoirs
- SPE manifolds and associated equipment
- FMS PowerPrep SPE system (6 channels)
- Field sampling equipment
- Flow measuring devices for flowing surface waters
- 5 UV-Vis Spectrophotometers (diode array and photomultiplier-based units)
- Agilent 8453 diode array spectrophotometer
- Agilent (HP) 8452 diode array spectrophotometer
- Perkin Elmer Lambda 3 spectrophotometer
- Gensys 10s UV-Vis spectrophotometer
- Hach DR 4000 spectrophotometer
- Spectrometer Probe (S::CAN)
- Spectrofluorometer: Horiba Aqualog
- Incubator Shaker (New Brunswick G25)
- Autoclaves
In addition, there are other state-of-the-art analytical instruments at the UMass-Amherst campus, which are available. For example, the campus mass spectrometry facility has a JOEL high resolution GC/MS which has been used by EWRE faculty on many occasions. The UMass NMR Facility has several Bruker NMR instruments, (AMX-II 500, DSX 300, MSL 300 and ASX 300) all of which are available for use by the EWRE program. In addition, there are full-time GC/MS and NMR research scientists who run the two facilities.