Members and Fellows of Professional Societies
National Academy of Engineering Members
John Klier (2015)
National Academy of Inventors Members
- John Klier (2017)
- Christos Dimitrakopoulos (2020)
Fellow of the National Academy of Inventors
- Christos Dimitrakopoulos (2020)
Fellow of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
- Yossi Chait
- Kourosh Dani (2003)
- Ian Grosse
- Sundar Krishnamurty
- Robert Hyers (2018)
Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
- Keith Carver (1986) [Emeritus]
- Daniel Schaubert (1989)
- David Pozar (1990)
- Israel Koren (1991) [Emeritus]
- K. Sigfrid Yngvesson (1998)
- Weibo Gong (1999)
- Ting-wei Tang (1999) [Emeritus]
- Theodore E. Djaferis (2003) [Emeritus]
- Ramakrishna Janaswamy (2003)
- Christopher Hollot (2004)
- Robert Jackson (2004)
- Sandip Kundu (2007)
- Aura Ganz (2008)
- C. Mani Krishna (2009)
- Lixin Gao (2010)
- Dennis Goeckel (2011)
- Wayne Burleson (2011)
- Sanjay Raman (2013)
- Maciej Ciesielski (2020)
Fellow of the American Society of Engineering Education (ASEE)
- Tim Anderson (2006)
Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science
- Dimitrios Maroudas
Fellow of the Society of Automotive Engineers International (SAE)
- David Schmidt
Fellow of the Electrochemical Society
- Nick Wu (2017)
Fellow of the Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers
- Krish Thiagarajan Sharman
Fellow of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE)
- Tim Anderson (2005)
- Peter Monson (2016)
- T.J. "Lakis" Mountziaris (2019)
- Dimitrios Maroudas (2020)
- Friederike C. Jentoft (2021)
Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry
- Nick Wu (2017)
Fellow of the American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering (AIMBE)
- Shelly Peyton (2020)
- Tammy Haut Donahue (2020)
Fellow of the American Concrete Institute
- Sergio Breña (2009)
Fellow of Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
Lixin Gao (2013)
Fellow National Academy of Sciences Kavli Frontiers of Science
Chaitra Gopalappa
Fellow ASM International
- Robert Hyers
American Society of Civil Engineers Distinguished Member
- Richard Palmer
Fellow of the Engineering Mechanics Institute of the ASCE
Sanjay Arwade (2020)
Fellow of the Society of Rheology
- H. Henning Winter (2015)
Fellow of the Association of Environmental Engineering and Science Professors (AEESP)
- John Tobiason (2020)
Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)
- T. J. (Lakis) Mountziaris (2020)
Fellow of the Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute (PCI)
- Sergio Breña (2021)
Marie Curie Fellow of European Commission
- Yanfei Xu (2011-2012)