Advocacy, Inclusion, and Support

The Advocacy, Inclusion, and Support Collaborative encompasses services, programs, and culturally inclusive campus environments for students to share in community, make meaningful connections, and access support, with a focus on serving underrepresented students and creating intersectional partnerships among our support programs.

CMASS students attend Senior Recognition Ceremony

Center for Multicultural Advancement and Student Success

Offering social and cultural connection, success planning, and help navigating the university for UMass students who are people of color, multiracial, first-generation, low income, or have experienced foster care.

Students in a UMass classroom

Disability Services

Cultivating an accessible academic, work, and campus life environment through reasonable accommodations and support resources for registered students with any type of disability.

CWC Open House event

Center for Women and Community

Serving people of all gender identities through leadership opportunities, educational workshops and trainings, counseling, and 24/7/365 free and confidential advocacy and support services.

Women of Color Leadership Network Staff

Women of Color Leadership Network

Celebrating and supporting the accomplishments and endeavors of all self-identified women and nonbinary people of color through advocacy, mentoring, programming, and community-building as well as workshops and public events.

Office of Religious and Spiritual Life event attendees

Office of Religious and Spiritual Life

Fostering a caring and supportive campus community and promoting a greater sense of meaning and purpose for students of all backgrounds and beliefs through bridge-building programs and activities, individual and institutional advocacy, and interfaith dialogue.

Stonewall Center students tabling at a Pride event

The Stonewall Center

Creating a more inclusive and welcoming climate for LGBTQIA+ individuals and their allies through cultural and educational programming; allyship training; resources and referrals; advocacy and support; and community outreach.

A group of UMass student veterans at a table in the Campus Center

Student Veterans Resource Center (SVRC)

Supporting student veterans, active military, and their families with help accessing educational and university benefits; a comfortable space to study and relax; and social and networking events throughout the year.

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Student Parent Programs

Two children attending a Student Parent Programs event

Students who are parents can apply for childcare subsidies and emergency funding, get assistance accessing university and community resources, and attend support groups, study lounges, and family-friendly events at Student Parent Programs.