Welcome from the Vice Chancellor’s Office
We are a campus community that actively embraces diversity, equity, and inclusion grounded in core values of compassion, care, and concern for others. We center around eight key functions that together create a supportive living and learning environment of responsive care and support for retention, graduation, and success beyond college.

Our programs and services:
1. Transition and connect students to campus
2. Foster positive campus climate
3. Cultivate inclusion and diversity
4. Develop opportunities for civic engagement and co-curricular learning
5. Create immersive living-learning environments
6. Provide listening, care, and focused support for students in crisis
7. Support wellness, health, and safety
8. Prepare students for a successful transition to their post-UMass future
About Student Affairs and Campus Life
We invite students to explore and engage with the rich array of experiences and opportunities available through Student Life. We look forward to meeting you!
Faculty and Staff Resources
This page is a compendium of campus partners, policies, and offices including tools and resources.