The Evolution of Student Affairs
Early United States higher education was based on the Oxbridge model. Most early institutions were residential colleges where tutors lived in the halls with students. These tutors were the precursor to student affairs professionals. The Student Affairs profession came out of the first Dean of Men, created at Harvard University in 1870. LeBaron Russell Briggs was appointed as Dean of Men in charge of academic advising as well as disciplinary duties. This appointment moved the day-to-day administration of student issues away from the president and placed it with an individual. In 1892, Alice Freeman Palmer at the University of Chicago became the first Dean of Women. Today, all residential colleges have a Student Affairs executive area. Most student affairs professionals have Masters degrees in Educational Leadership, Higher Education Administration, Student Affairs Administration, or other relevant discipline. Senior student affairs officers almost always have terminal degrees such as Doctor of Education (Ed.D.), Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), or Juris Doctor (J.D.).
Student Life at UMass Amherst
The 150 year history of student life on the UMass Amherst campus is rich and varied. Much of this history can be found in Library Special Collections which include UMass Yearbooks from 1869 to 2005 and collected archives of student activities at UMass Amherst, from student publications and organizations (fraternities and sororities, unions, and honorary societies) to records of student government, student protests, and religious and social groups.