Student Services
Dedicated to helping SPHHS students achieve their highest potential.
Services for all students:
Graduate and undergraduate students are encouraged to connect with our Office of Academic Success and Career Planning advising team for:
- Time management and college success strategies
- Career and professional development through our Office of Career Planning
- Referrals to campus resources
- Support if experiencing personal or academic difficulties
- Help understanding and navigating campus policies
Additional services specifically for undergraduate students:
Connect with the SPHHS Office of Academic Success advising team and Undergraduate Academic Dean’s Office regarding the following issues:
- Academic standing concerns
- Major exploration
- Petition for late withdrawal, after the mid-semester date, from a course(s) due to extenuating circumstances
- Petition for late add of a course after the end of add/drop
- Petition for late elective pass/fail
- Petition for a third attempt at a course (third repeat)
- Implications of requesting an incomplete
- Credit overload for summer or winter term
- Verification of satisfactory academic progress (SAPA) for financial aid
- Withdrawing from the university for a semester or permanently