SPHHS Financial Aid and Scholarships

The School of Public Health and Health Sciences (SPHHS) offers a variety of financial aid and scholarships to support you and help you reach your academic and professional goals. Aid is available in the form of scholarships, grants, and federal student loans at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. UMass offers a one-stop financial aid information page for undergraduate and graduate students.

AcademicWorks: All Your Scholarships, All in One Place

SPHHS has implemented an exciting and convenient new system, AcademicWorks, which automatically matches you with the scholarships and financial awards you’re eligible for. These include scholarships and financial awards offered through SPHHS, Commonwealth Honors College, the Alumni Association, financial aid, and your major department.

Simply enroll in AcademicWorks, fill out both the UMass general application and the SPHHS application to get started. Opportunities include funding for internships, study abroad, financial need, and research.

Read the AcademicWorks and SPHHS Scholarships FAQ for more information

SPHHS Scholarships

A variety of school- and department-based scholarships and awards are available to undergraduate students within SPHHS.

NOTE: Some scholarships require students to have a FAFSA file on record for the upcoming year. If you plan to apply for financial aid, please apply early. For information about FAFSA applications, click on the following webpages: undergraduate FAFSA or graduate FAFSA

School of Public Health and Health Sciences

  • Kozma-Littleton Family Fund
  • Elizabeth Woolrich Scholarship



  • Patty S. Freedson Scholarship
  • Frank Rife Kinesiology Opportunity Scholarship
  • The Rouzier Family Pre-Health Professional Scholarship
  • John R. Schroeder Scholarship Fund
  • Eric Sinacori Memorial Scholarship
  • Esther Wallace Endowed Scholarship Fund


  • Virginia A. Beal Scholarship
  • Helen S. Mitchell Scholarship

Public Health Sciences

  • Corinne A. Johnson Memorial Scholarship

Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences

  • Henry B. Peirce Service Award
  • Miriam P. Romo Award
  • Harry and Charlena Seymour Scholarship for Diversity
  • Kimberly Ann Soucy Scholarship
  • Gilbert C. Tolhurst Senior Scientist Award

Speech, language, and hearing sciences scholarships are not currently in the AcademicWorks system. Please contact your program director for more information about these opportunities.

Please visit the AcademicWorks website or contact your undergraduate advisor for more information about these opportunities.

The SPHHS offers the following named scholarships to students in support of its mission to improve diversity, equity, and inclusion among its student body: 

William A. Darity Sr. Graduate Scholarship provides financial support to graduate students in public health who demonstrate Darity’s commitment to social justice and focuses on supporting minority and first-generation students in pursuing advanced degrees in higher education. Learn more about Darity's remarkable life and legacy here.

Harry and Charlena Seymour Scholarship for Diversity provides financial support to those students who have been historically underrepresented due to race, ethnicity, gender, and economic reasons in higher education and to foster greater awareness and understanding of multicultural issues in communication disorders by the infusion of information about linguistic/cultural diversity in the curriculum of the Department of Communication Disorders.

The Biostatistics and Epidemiology Diversity Scholarship aims to support graduate students from backgrounds underrepresented in biostatistics and epidemiology, and/or students who have demonstrated experience promoting diversity and inclusion in public health research or practice. The scholarship provides $7,500 of tuition support each semester for four semesters of study.

In addition to these scholarships, the school provides several dissertation fellowships to incoming doctoral students and summer fellowships to support our efforts to attract and retain a diversified pool of doctoral students.

A variety of school- and department-based scholarships and fellowship awards are available to graduate students within the School of Public Health and Health Sciences.

For additional information regarding financial aid or funding opportunities available to graduate students, call 413-577-0555, or visit the UMass Amherst Financial Aid Services website. In addition, a limited number of fellowships are available on a competitive basis through the Graduate School.

NOTE: Some scholarships require students to have a FAFSA file on record for the upcoming year. If you plan to apply for financial aid, please apply early.

School of Public Health and Health Sciences

  • William A. Darity Sr. Graduate Scholarship
  • Kozma-Littleton Family Fund
  • Elizabeth Woolrich Scholarship

Biostatistics and Epidemiology 
(see the BIO-EPI scholarship page for more information)

  • Biostatistics and Epidemiology Departmental Awards
  • Biostatistics and Epidemiology Diversity Scholarship
  • Biostatistics and Epidemiology Summer Dissertation Completion Fellowship
  • Biostatistics and Epidemiology Summer Fellowship for International Graduate Students
  • David Hosmer Awards
  • Diane J. Mundt Memorial Scholarship
  • Yablonski Fellowship Fund

Environmental Health Sciences

  • Elaine Briggs Internship Fund
  • Corinne A. Johnson Memorial Scholarship
  • The Stewart Fellowship
  • Yablonski Fellowship Fund

Health Promotion and Policy

  • Yablonski Fellowship Fund


  • Priscilla Clarkson Graduate Scholarship


  • Helen S. Mitchell Scholarship
  • Peter L. Pellett Scholarship
  • Virginia A. Beal Graduate Scholarship
  • Virginia A. Beal Fellowship

Please visit the AcademicWorks website or contact your graduate advisor or program director for more information about these opportunities.

Graduate research and teaching assistantships are available within each department on a competitive basis. Each assistantship includes a stipend, tuition waiver, and health-fee waiver, as well as a waiver of some student fees. For more information, please consult your department’s graduate program director.

Students admitted to all graduate programs in SPHHS are eligible to receive on-campus assistantships offered by departments within the SPHHS. Students interested in accepting on-campus assistantships outside of SPHHS should obtain prior approval from their department chair. Matriculated students may also be eligible for scholarships and fellowships, and other forms of on-campus employment. For additional information about financial aid services and opportunities at the university, please view the Financial Services website.

The SPHHS Dean’s Office supports this highly selective fellowship program to promote recruitment of nationally competitive applicants to PhD programs in SPHHS. Applicants are nominated by faculty in their department at the time of admission. Criteria for an applicant being “nationally competitive” may vary by discipline but generally includes notable achievements in research and/or practice (e.g., presentation at national scientific meetings; peer-reviewed publications; experience with extramural funding; exceptional work experience in their field and/or in communities). We especially encourage nominations of students who will contribute to promoting equity and inclusion within our graduate programs.  

The Dean’s PhD Fellowship is a $15,000 non-working fellowship given in the student’s first year. The applicant’s department matches this award with at least 10 hr/wk or RA/TA funding. The award is renewable for a second year contingent upon availability of funding and success in the student’s first year. Nominations are due by January 15th. 

For additional information, contact your department’s Graduate Program Director. 

The SPHHS Dean’s Office will offer $7,500 non-working summer fellowships to support PhD students’ efforts to complete dissertation research. Eligible students are enrolled in a PhD program within SPHHS and are expected to graduate within the next 12-18 months. Students must be nominated by their faculty mentor. Nominations are due by April 15th. 

For additional information, contact your department’s Graduate Program Director. 

The SPHHS Dean’s Office will award a limited number of Doctoral Research Accelerator Awards to support current PhD students in SPHHS and encourage timely completion of dissertation research. This award is given to PhD students who have advanced to candidacy and are currently engaged in dissertation research. The award provides one semester of support as a non-working fellowship in an amount equivalent to the stipend of a 10 hr/wk RA/TA position] the student’s department or faculty mentor is required to match the award with a 10 hr/wk RA/TA position to ensure the student receives GEO benefits (including health insurance and tuition waiver). Nominations are due by October 15th and April 15th for the subsequent semester. 

For additional information, contact your department’s Graduate Program Director. 

The SPHHS Dean’s Office will provide summer fellowships of up to $5,500 to support international PhD students in excellent standing to make progress on their doctoral dissertations or to conduct faculty-mentored research projects that are not otherwise supported by research grants. Nominations are due by April 15th. 

For additional information, contact your department’s Graduate Program Director.