
SPHHS is a national leader in finding ways to maximize public health and quality of life.

Student looks into a microscope


The School of Public Health and Health Sciences is a national leader in finding ways to maximize public health and quality of life. The school addresses complex health issues by integrating traditional core areas of public health with related health science disciplines, fostering a unique environment in which transdisciplinary research collaborations can flourish. Our award-winning faculty focus on many pressing public health problems as well as crosscutting issues such as obesity and diabetes prevention, women’s health, global health, aging and healthy living, and autism spectrum disorders. The school features numerous opportunities for community-based student internships and experience in clinical and outreach programs and partnerships that promote health and the quality of life in diverse populations.

The UMass Amherst School of Public Health and Health Sciences has been accredited by the Council on Education for Public Health (CEPH) Board of Councilors for a full seven-year term, extending to December 31, 2029.