SPHHS Senior Recognition Ceremony
Saturday, May 17, 2025
1:30 - 3 p.m.
UMass Amherst Mullins Center
The School of Public Health and Health Sciences (SPHHS) Senior Recognition Ceremony will take place Saturday, May 17, 2025 in the Mullins Center. This event allows us to recognize graduating seniors in a special way and individually congratulate them for their accomplishments. The Senior Ceremony is not meant to be a replacement for the University Commencement, and students and their families are encouraged to attend both celebrations.
We look forward to seeing you at the ceremonies. For those unable to attend in person, the ceremony will be available for viewing below:
SPHHS Photo Tribute
To honor the SPHHS Class of 2025, the SPHHS Senior Recognition Ceremony will include a photo tribute to its graduating seniors. During the ceremony, pictures of graduates will be displayed on jumbo HD monitors mounted on the stage and suspended from the Mullins Center ceiling. Photos may also be used on our SPHHS Instagram account as part of our upcoming senior series.
Send us your photo from your time at UMass depicting you at work, at play, or around campus. All graduating seniors are invited to submit their photo (max one per person please).
NOTE: High resolution photos (up to a maximum of 10 MB) are preferred. Pictures will be reviewed for appropriateness and to ensure they meet minimum video resolution.
Submission form coming soon!
FAQs for Graduates
Please see below for answers to some Frequently Asked Questions. All other questions about the Senior Recognition Ceremony should be directed to the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs’ Office via email at acaddean [at] schoolph [dot] umass [dot] edu (acaddean[at]schoolph[dot]umass[dot]edu) or by phone at 413-545-6883.
For more information on the University Commencement visit the UMass Amherst Commencement website.
What is the SPHHS Senior Recognition Ceremony?
The Senior Recognition Ceremony provides SPHHS with the opportunity to recognize graduating seniors in a special way and individually congratulate them for their accomplishments. The Senior Ceremony is not meant to be a replacement for the University Commencement — students and their families are encouraged to attend both celebrations.
Who gets to walk?
A student’s year of graduation is established by the Registrar’s Office. To be eligible to participate in the May 2025 Commencement ceremony, students must have fulfilled all requirements by the time of the ceremony or be scheduled to do so by September 2025. Students scheduled for February 2026 graduation who wish to attend the May 2025 ceremony must file a “Petition to Participate in an Earlier Commencement” form, available at the Registrar’s Office in 213 Whitmore. We anticipate that approximately 600 students will graduate from SPHHS.
Do I need to get tickets for my guests?
Yes. All senior recognition ceremonies will require guest tickets. Graduates participating in the senior recognition ceremonies must be registered, but do not need tickets. To obtain tickets for your guests, you will need to register for your ceremony through Marching Order by April 22 (see the UMass Commencement website for more information). If you register after this date, you will be able to attend your senior recognition ceremony; however, guest tickets are not guaranteed after this deadline.
Are seniors required to attend a dress rehearsal?
I am a double major. One is in SPHHS and the other is in another college. Which senior celebration ceremony do I attend?
If the ceremonies take place at different times you may attend both. If they take place at the same time, then you must choose one. Check the university’s Commencement website for a complete listing of times and locations for each senior celebration.
What should I wear?
You'll need to wear your cap and gown for both the SPHHS Senior Recognition Ceremony and the main Undergraduate Commencement Ceremony. Everyone should wear shoes that are appropriate for walking and climbing stairs.
Information on picking up caps and gowns will be coming soon.
To pick up your cap and gown we will need your height and your Spire ID. If you are unable to pick up in person, a friend can pick it up for you (they will need to know your height and your Spire ID number).
Undergraduate UWW/Distance Learners and Fall or Winter Grads ONLY can request alternative options by emailing commencement [at] umass [dot] edu (commencement[at]umass[dot]edu).
When should I arrive?
Please arrive no later than 12:45 p.m. Students should check in at the large white tents behind the Mullins Center.
What will I need to do once I get there?
The first thing you should do when you arrive is visit our registration table under the large white tents behind the Mullins Center. There, you’ll pick up your MARCHING ORDER CARD, which you’ll carry with you throughout the ceremony. This card has two sides: one with Marching Order name information and the other with photography information.
We ask that you bring a fully charged phone with you in order to complete the photography registration process on the name cards. To complete this process: Turn your card to the side that has the photography information, scan the QR code, complete the photo registration, and fill out the card. This is VERY IMPORTANT because the card will be handed to the person who will scan your name before you cross the stage and will be used by the photographers to send photo proofs of you receiving your commemorative medal. Be sure to complete the card out BEFORE you enter the Mullins Center.
Staff and student volunteers will be on hand to provide help.
Will I need to go through security to get into the Mullins Center?
Yes. All guests and graduates will be required to walk through metal detectors when entering the venue. Small purses and bags are allowed but will be inspected at all entrances. Bags larger than a clutch are not allowed. Outside food or beverages, weapons of any kind, and tobacco products are not permitted inside the arena. For details on security procedures and a full list of prohibited items, please visit the Mullins Center FAQ webpage.
What happens after the ceremony ends?
You will exit the Mullins Center the same way you came in. You can meet family and friends under the tents behind the building or look for them in the front of the building.
I am unable to attend the ceremony; will I still be able to receive my commemorative medal?
Seniors may arrange to receive a medal and an event program by contacting the commencement [at] admin [dot] umass [dot] edu (University Events Office) or calling 413-577-1101.
When do I receive my diploma?
The SPHHS Senior Recognition Ceremony does not award diplomas, only the commemorative medals. Your diploma, which is officially conferred at the Friday evening Commencement, will be mailed to you. To ensure the delivery of diplomas, all graduates should check SPIRE to make certain that their mailing address is accurately recorded. Diplomas are usually mailed by the end of the summer. Questions regarding diplomas should be addressed to: Registrar’s Office, 213 Whitmore Administration Building, 413-545-0555.
Career Planning: Not sure about your next steps?
Schedule an appointment or drop by the Office of Career Planning to meet with a career advisor.
How can we stay connected to the SPHHS after we graduate?
We encourage you to stay connected with us after your graduation. Follow us on Instagram, LinkedIn, and Facebook!
Information for Families and Guests
Parking on Saturday for the SPHHS Senior Recognition Ceremony will be directed by the UMass Police based on nearest available parking lots. Shuttle buses will also be operating.
Guests are advised to arrive on campus early, as traffic in Amherst and on campus will be heavy. Check the UMass Amherst Commencement website for additional information.
The lot adjacent to the Mullins Center is designated for handicap parking. A state-issued handicapped parking permit suffices for parking in designated accessible spaces on campus.
All guests and graduates will be required to walk through metal detectors when entering the venue. To expedite the process, we ask guests to remove cell phones from their pockets. Small purses and diaper bags are allowed but will be inspected at all entrances. Bags larger than a clutch are not allowed. Outside food or beverages, weapons of any kind (including pocket knives), and tobacco products are not permitted inside the arena. For details on security procedures and a full list of prohibited items, please visit the Mullins Center website.
The Mullins Center is an ADA-compliant facility (accessibility link here). We advise guests to arrive early to allow extra time to enter the facility.
These seats are generally for people who have limited mobility, sight, or hearing. Seating for family members and guests with disabilities will be available in designated sections of the Mullins Center. No prior arrangements need to be made to secure seating in these areas, although it is recommended that you arrive early to secure seating. One companion may accompany guests seated in these sections. Seating for additional family members should be available within close proximity of the preferential seating areas.
Designated wheelchair seating locations are available at every internal entrance to the Mullins Center arena. Guests needing wheelchairs must make arrangements to bring their own; wheelchairs are not provided.
If you or any of your guests require the services of an interpreter, please contact Disability Services via email aduchon [at] umass [dot] edu (aduchon[at]umass[dot]edu) with “Graduate Interpreter Request” in the subject line, or by phone (Voice/TTY: 413-545-0892).
For more information on the University Commencement visit the UMass Amherst Commencement website.
Please check back regularly for updates and additional information.
UMass Amherst Commencement Weekend
Please visit the UMass Amherst Commencement website for more information.
Doctoral Hooding
Friday, May 16, 2025, 9 a.m.
Mullins Center
The University's Doctoral Hooding ceremony will take place on Friday, May 16, 2025, beginning at 9 a.m. in the Mullins Center. Please visit the UMass Amherst Commencement website for more information regarding the ceremony and related events.
Undergraduate Commencement
Friday, May 16, 2025, 5 p.m.
McGuirk Alumni Stadium
The University's Undergraduate Commencement Ceremony will take place on Friday, May 16, 2025, beginning at 5 p.m. in the McGuirk Alumni Stadium. Please visit the UMass Amherst Commencement website for more information regarding the ceremony and related events.
Master's and Education Specialists Commencement Ceremony
Sunday, May 18, 2025, 2 p.m.
Mullins Center
The University's Master's and Education Specialists Commencement Ceremony will take place on Sunday, May 18, 2025, beginning at 2 p.m. in the Mullins Center. Please visit the UMass Amherst Commencement website for more information regarding the ceremony and related events.
Updated: 1/14/2025