SPHHS Emergency Laptop Loan Program
A limited number of loaner laptops are available for SPHHS students on a temporary or short-term basis.
Sometimes computers break and we are here to help!
The School of Public Health and Health Sciences Office of Academic Success has a limited number of loaner laptops available for SPHHS students on a temporary or short-term basis. Students can request a free short-term laptop computer loan by contacting acaddean [at] umass [dot] edu (acaddean[at]umass[dot]edu). If the laptop is available, students will need to complete this form to borrow the laptop. Requests are usually from students with high financial need and/or broken personal computers being repaired. The UMass DuBois Library also has a limited number of laptops that can be loaned for 24 hours at a time. Additionally, if you need financial assistance, the Dean of Students Office offers short term loans and microgrants.