Education Professor Publishes Cartoon in Local Newspaper

Lifeboat cartoon

Sally Campbell Galman, professor of children, families and schools at the College of Education, has published a cartoon in the Feb. 12 Daily Hampshire Gazette Home Magazine.

The autobiographical cartoon entitled, “The Lifeboat: A Story About Improving More Than Just a Home,” centers around her experiences buying and rehabilitating a local home. An arts-based researcher and working artist, Galman believes in publishing in a variety of places.

She writes, “I particularly like the popular press – both for visibility reasons as well as for reasons related to my larger project around larger publics, larger conversations, and democratizing the conversation about art and meaning. I also owe a lot to my roots and experiences as a newspaper cartoonist. This is the place where I learned the business and those tools are the foundation of everything I do today.”

More of Galman’s work is available on her website.