Minoring in mathematics
The requirements for the minor in mathematics are the following:
- Grade Requirement
No course used to satisfy the minor requirements may be taken pass/fail. All courses must be passed. A cumulative GPA of at least 2.00 in all Mathematics and Statistics courses taken is required.
- Calculus & Linear Algebra
MATH 131, Math 132, Math 233, and Math 235
- Computer Science
Proficiency in a computer programming language satisfied by CICS 110/INFO 190S, CS 121, CS 187, ECE 122, ECE 242 or equivalent. Classes using Matlab are generally not permitted. Instead, we are looking for serious exposure to programming paradigms and techniques involving a low-level language such as Java, C, C++, or Python.
- Upper-division Courses
Four upper-division courses of at least 3 credits each. At most one of these courses may be taken outside of a mathematics and statistics department. Any course taken in another department must be approved by the Chief Undergraduate Advisor. At least two of these courses must be taken at UMass.
Choice of upper-division courses for the minor
Generally, the department expects minors to master material in mathematics and statistics through coursework not required by the major, although at the moment there is no restriction on using coursework to satisfy both the major and the minor. Students pursuing the minor must take at least three of the four upper-division courses in a mathematics and statistics department. One and only one course may be from another department, if the course uses mathematics or statistics in a serious way. See below for a list of courses which require no further approval.
- An economics major takes Math 331, Stat 515, Math 537, and uses Econ 309 or 452;
- A resource econ major takes Stat 515, Stat 516, Math 537 and uses ResEcon 313;
- A computer science major takes Stat 515, Math 411, Math 471 and uses CS 311 or CS 501;
- An ECE major takes Math 331, Math 421, Math 551 and uses ECE 313;
- An ECE major takes Math 331, Math 425, Math 534H and uses ECE 333;
- A chemistry major takes Math 331, Math 425, Math 461 and then uses Chem 476;
- A physics major makes sure to take CS 121 and then takes Math 331, Stat 515, Math 421 or 563H and then uses Physics 423 or 568;
- An MIE major makes sure to take CS 121 and then takes Math 331, Math 537 (using MIE 273 to satisfy the probability prerequisite), Math 551 and then uses MIE 379.
Registering for the math minor
If you are interested in registering for the minor, or if you have questions about the minor, please either fill out the course worksheet, email Garret Cahill, or stop by his advising hours, found on our Advising website.
After you register for the minor, you will see your minor listed in your Spire Student Center, below your major. Once registered, as long as the one and only one course from outside the department is drawn from the Approved Outside Course list, no further action needs to be taken.
If permission is needed to substitute a required course, you should write to Garret Cahill or stop by his advising hours to get approval before you enroll in the course. Other questions about the minor should also be directed to Garret Cahill.
Secondary Major
As with any second major, students wishing to obtain a second major in mathematics (SM-Math) need only complete the Junior Year Writing requirement and the Integrative Experience requirement in their primary major. Secondary majors may use up to two courses from outside the mathematics and statistics department to fulfill open electives in their concentration course requirements (see Approved Outside Courses). Secondary majors in the Statistics and Data Science concentration: using a 390+ Public Health course to satisfy the Advanced Calculus requirement (Math 425 replacement) will count as one of the two allowed outside courses.
To become a secondary major in math, please have a concentration in mind and schedule an appointment for a meeting with a Math/Stat advisor through Navigate. If you are a first year student looking to explore a secondary major in math, then please schedule an appointment in the CNS First-Year Advising Center.
Dual Degree
The dual degree awards two UMass degrees to students who earn 150 credits and meet the requirements of two majors. To obtain the dual degree in math, students need to have the 150 credits, as well as 60 credits in approved CNS (College of Natural Sciences) courses (see Approved CNS Courses). Students do not need to take Junior Year Writing in math if they have taken it in another major. They also do not need to take an IE course in math, although most will take one as part of their requirements.
Approved upper-division courses for minors and majors
BME 330, Biog 597GE, BioChem/Chem 471, CICS 397A/INFO 348, CS 311, CS 383, CS 445, CS 501, CS 513, CS 514, CS 532, CS 575, CS 585, CS 589, CS 590OP, Chem 475, Chem 476, Chem 584, Chem 585, Chem Eng 231, Chem Eng 475, CE-Engin 260, Econ 309, Econ 452, ECE 213/313, ECE 214/314, ECE 333, LING 492B , MIE 230, MIE 273, MIE 340, MIE 379, Physics 421, Physics 422, Physics 423, Physics 424, Physics 562, Physics 564, Physics 568, Public Health 390R, Public Health 460, Public Health 490Z, and ResEcon 313. Other courses may be approved on a case-by-case basis: contact Sohrab Shahshahani (if you are a math major) or Garret Cahill (if you are math minor).
Note: If you are pursuing a minor in another department (e.g., Econ or CS), please check their implementation of the multiple credential policy to see if courses you are considering using for both the math major and their minor are eligible to fulfill both requirements simultaneously.
- Undergraduate Overview
- Major Requirements
- Advising Information
- Activities, Research and Scholarships
- Actuarial Science
- Association for Women in Mathematics (AWM)
- Career Opportunities
- Honors
- Minor, Secondary Major, Dual Degree
- Transfer and AP Credit and Study Abroad
- R1 Exemption
- Learning Resources
- Math Club
- Math Competition
- Directed Reading Program