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Advising Offices: LGRT 1625D and 1625C

Phone: 413-545-2282

Contact Information:

Appointments: Log into Navigate to make an appointment for a meeting (virtual or in-person) with one of the advisors listed above.


Sohrab Shashahani, in 1625A:

  • Wednesdays 8:30 - 9:30 am
  • Thursdays 11:30 am - 12:30 pm

Garret Cahill, in LGRT 1625A:

  • Tuesdays: 11:00 am - 12:00 pm
  • Wednesdays:  12:00 - 1:00 pm
  • Fridays:  1:00 - 2:00 pm

Jacob Lagerstrom's advising hours are posted here.

Kaitlyn O'Konis's advising hours are posted here.

Drop-ins will be accepted, but scheduled meetings will take priority.

Peer Advising: Mathematics and Statistics Peer Advisors will be available later in the Spring semester.

Questions? Students may email specific questions to Academic Advisors Jacob Lagerstrom or Kaitlyn O’Konis, the Chief Undergraduate Advisor, Sohrab Shahshahani, or the Associate Chief Undergraduate Advisor, Garret Cahill.

Becoming a Math Major: First, review the Major requirements and concentrations, then:

All current UMass students must declare a concentration upon entry to the Math major. Existing Majors who entered as Freshmen will be asked to select a concentration before the registration period for their third semester, but are welcome and encouraged to select one earlier. To add or change a concentration, or to select a second concentration, please email Jacob Lagerstrom.

Criteria for Admission to the Major: There are no specific criteria for admission, but Majors should be aware that a C or better is needed in Math 132 in order to take certain upper level courses required for the Major.

Interested in the Minor? Students wishing to minor in math should consult the Minor and Secondary Major page. Direct any questions about the Minor or requests to add the Minor to Garret Cahill.