Workshops & Trainings

✓ Free virtual interactive sessions you can request for your club, class, workplace, or other groups

✓ Day & evening options

✓ Pre-designed or tailored for your group


To request education or learn more about CWC services:  

(413) 545-0883 /



Typical Duration: 1 hour – 1 ½ hours

Relationships, Communication, & Conflict  

Topics Covered: Healthy Relationships, Warning Signs, & Resources 
2020 has brought an increase in conflict for people in a range of relationships. By exploring healthy and unhealthy uses of conflict styles, participants can develop strategies for healthier and productive communication. We will also discuss ways unhealthy conflict can lead to control and manipulation, how to identify warning signs of relationship violence, and what are resources available.   

Keeping it Consensual  

Topics Covered: Sexual Consent & Communication Skills 
Practicing consent is a critical part of sexual relationships whether you’re communicating in-person or online. Ongoing clear communication can help individuals incorporate the elements of consent into their interactions. In this workshop, participants will learn why sexual consent is important, what it looks like in practice, and how to incorporate it in relationships and life.  

Exploring Prevention & Response Efforts 

Topics Covered: Relationship Violence & The Ecological Model 
Using the ecological model, participants will learn how different groups are working to prevent and address relationship violence through different levels of change. Participants will explore tensions, debates, and best practices in intervening while also learning how they can be an active bystander and help their community. 

Be the Good: Using Your Intervention Strategies (YIS) 

Topics Covered: Bystander Intervention & Self-Awareness 
What can you do to prevent someone from getting hurt? Everyone has different strengths they can bring to an intervention. This workshop will help you explore your skills and preferences while also considering a range of options and scenarios to prevent violence. 

How to Help a Friend 

Topics Covered: Supporting Survivors of Sexual Violence
Sometimes it can be hard to know what say when a friend tells you they have experienced sexual or relationship violence. While there isn’t one right way to respond, this workshop will provide trauma-informed strategies and explore considerations for how to be supportive and intentional.  


Typical Duration: 1 hour – 3 hours

Responding to Disclosures of Sexual Violence 

Topics Covered: Supporting Survivors 
Learn how to be thoughtful and intentional when someone tells you they have experienced sexual or relationship violence. Participants will gain a better understanding of trauma and the impact of trauma, discuss strategies and considerations for supporting survivors, learn about campus and community resources, and practice making referrals. 

Maximizing Effectiveness & Reducing Harm 

Topics Covered: Trauma-Informed Practices in Education 
When creating education around sensitive topics you can make an impact while also being mindful people’s personal experiences. In this session, participants will evaluate the strengths and limitations of public health initiatives and learn how to apply trauma-informed principles to campaigns and projects. 

Leaders in Sexual Violence Prevention 

Topics Covered: Building Coalitions, Trauma-Informed Practices, & Understanding Efforts 
Are your members or students interested in violence prevention and building community? Come learn about best practices in violence prevention and how to work effectively with others. This training series explores the many approaches to end sexual violence and gives an opportunity for participants to practice developing events, campaigns, and projects. 

Presentations & Consultations

Typical Duration: 15 minutes - 1 hour

How to Connect with CWC Services 

Topics Covered: Support Services 
Near and far, CWC is here to help members of the Hampshire County community. Learn more about CWC’s remote services and how to connect with staff for information and referral, education, Sexual Assault Support and Advocacy (SASA), general counseling, support groups, and/or leadership opportunities.   

Event & Project Planning Consultation 

Are you planning an event, project, or campaign that addresses stalking, relationships violence, or other forms of sexual violence? CWC educators and staff can support you and help to strength and clarify your goals, incorporate best practice and trauma-informed practices, and connect with other organizations.

Faculty & Instructor Consultations

CWC educators are here to support faculty and TAs with a range of different services. Instructors across campus can consult with CWC staff or receive training on topics including how to:

  • incorporate trauma-informed practices into their course design.
  • integrate sexual violence prevention topics, such as consent and bystander intervention, into their course curriculum.
  • bridge classroom learning with real-world examples and skill building across a range of academic disciplines.
  • respond if a student discloses to you about sexual violence.
  • help students connect to support services as they need.

CWC can also provide images and text for professors to integrate into their Moodle courses to inform students about support services available to them.