Jessica Kazmier
Department administrator for Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences.

Jane Kent
Focus on human skeletal muscle function and fatigue, examining age, gender, chronic health status, and habitual physical activity level.

Melissa Kerr
Melissa Kerr serves as a research fellow in the Department of Biostatistics and Epidemiology.
Minsu Kim
PhD student in Biostatistics.
Young-Cheul Kim
Focus on obesity, diabetes, adipocyte, metabolism, bioactive, phytochemicals

Rodmon King
Rodmon King serves as the Assistant Dean for Diversity, Inclusion, and Belonging for the School of Public Health and Health Sciences.

Krystal Kittle
Focus on LGBTQIA+ Aging and Health

Keith Kittrell
Research Development & Support Specialist in the SPHHS Research Administration Office.

Ken Kleinman
Focus on cluster-randomized trials, missing data, statistical software, electronic medical records

Barry Klenowski
Focus on environmental law and policy.