Contact details


Arnold House

715 North Pleasant Street
Amherst, MA 01003
United States

434 Arnold House


I am a generalist biostatistician with experience in the analysis of clustered and longitudinal data, observational epidemiology, cluster-randomized trials, public health surveillance, and electronic medical records. For 15 years, I have been involved with community- and otherwise cluster-randomized studies, including interventions to improve physician’s adherence to guidelines, to reduce the spread of antibiotic-resistant organisms, to help obese children reduce weight gain, and others. In this area I have done methodological work on the planning of studies, including power calculation and stratification/matching. I have also worked with electronic medical records to perform surveillance of outpatient encounters to assess the possibility of bioterrorism attack or pandemic influenza, developing methods and editing a volume in this area. I have also been involved with work around case-mix adjustment and quality ranking of hospitals for surgical site infections. For more than 10 years, I have been the primary biostatistician for Project Viva, an observational cohort of mothers and children that explores developmental origins of health and disease. I also have published three reference texts, and write a blog on statistical software.