Minor in Latin Language and Literature
Build language and analytical skills that will enhance any career.
With an excellent student-faculty ratio in a small, supportive program, Latin language and literature is an excellent minor choice for most majors. If you didn’t study Latin before enrolling at UMass, we offer courses for beginners. The language and analytical skills you’ll build will be an asset no matter your career path. Classics also offers many opportunities for study and excavation abroad in Greece, Italy, and other countries.
The minor requires six courses with a minimum of 18 credit hours: five semesters of Latin plus a sixth course chosen from any of our departmental offerings. We recommend Classics 102 (Roman Civilization) or 202 (Age of Augustus) or another course on Roman history or culture to complement the Latin requirement, but the sixth class could also be another Latin course, beginning Greek, Classics 103 (Intro to Classical Archaeology), Classics 224 (Mythology), etc. Note that Latin 126 and 246 (Intensive Beginning and Intermediate Latin) each count as two semesters; we also offer a non-intensive sequence (Latin 110, 120, 230, and 240).