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Herter Hall

161 Presidents Drive
Amherst, MA 01003-9312
United States



Anthony Tuck holds degrees in Classical Archaeology from Haverford College (BA, 1992) and Brown University (PhD, 1996). He has taught at UMass since 2006. He serves as Director of Excavations at Poggio Civitate (Murlo), an Etruscan site dating to the 8th to 6th centuries BCE. His research focuses on social, economic, and political development in early urban Italy. 



  • Burials from Poggio Aguzzo: The Necropolis of Poggio Civitate (Murlo) (Rome: Giorgio Bretschneider 2009).
  • Koine: Papers in Honor of R. Ross Holloway, co-ed. with Derek Counts (London: Ox Bow Press 2009).

Museum Exhibit Catalogues

  • Poggio Civitate and the Goddess of Wine, VinumWith Rex Wallace (Sheridan Press 2015).
  • First Words: The Archaeology of Language at Poggio Civitate. With Rex Wallace (Arcadia Press 2013).

Recent Articles & Book Chapters

  • “Manufacturing at Poggio Civitate: Elite Consumption at Social Organization in the Etruscan Seventh Century,” Etruscan Studies 17.2 (2014): 1-19.
  • “Letters and Non-Alphabetic Characters on Roofing Tiles from Poggio Civitate (Murlo),” with Rex Wallace. Etruscan Studies 16.2 (2013):  210-66.
  • “Excavations at Poggio Civitate (Murlo) During the 2012-2013 Seasons: Domestic Architecture and Selected Finds form the Civitate A Property Zone,” with Theresa Huntsman and Kate Kriendler. Etruscan Studies 16.1 (2013): 287-306.
  • “The Performance of Death: Burial Practice and Community Identity in Central Italy’s 7th Century Urbanizing Period,” in G. Meyers and M. Thomas (eds.) Monumentality in Etruscan and Early Roman Architecture: Ideology and Innovation (University of Texas Press 2012), pp. 41-60.
  • “A ‘new’ inscribed plaque from Poggio Civitate (Murlo),” with Rex Wallace. Etruscan Studies 15.1 (2012): 1-17.
  • The Social Context of Proto-Literacy in Central Italy: The Case of Poggio Civitate,” with Rex Wallace. The Accordia Research Papers 12 (2012): 57-68
  • “An Inscribed Rochetto from Poggio Civitate (Murlo),” with Rex Wallace, Studi Etruschi LXXIII (2011): 193-98.
  • “An Archaic Period Well from Poggio Civitate: Thoughts on the Final Destruction of the Site,” Etruscan Studies 13 (2010): 93-104.
  • “Mistress and Master: The Politics of Iconography in Pre-Roman Italy,” in D. B. Counts and B. Arnold (eds.), The Master of Animals in Old World Iconography (Budapest: Archaeolingua Press 2010), pp. 211-20.

Courses Recently Taught

  • Classics 103: Introduction to Classical Archaeology
  • Classics 224: Greek Mythology
  • Classics 300: Greek Archaeology
  • Classics 301: Roman Archaeology
  • Classics 391: World of the Etruscans
  • Classics 393: Celtic Archaeology
  • Classics 393A: Technology in the Ancient World