Certificate in Ethnomusicology
The certificate in ethnomusicology allows students to study music from a multidisciplinary perspective in a rigorous and structured manner.
Certificate in Film Studies (Undergraduate)
Learn about the art of film, from history to production, in an interdisciplinary program of courses from around the university.
Certificate in Spanish and Health
Learn about Spanish language and culture, and engage in an experiential component in a Spanish-speaking health-care setting.
Certificate in Design and Creative Technologies
The Certificate in Design and Creative Technologies (DCT) prepares undergraduate students for innovative roles in the visual arts and digital media.
Cornerstone Scholars Certificate
This four-course certificate provides students with the opportunity to recognize a connections between humanities studies and their professional goals.
Certificate in Translation and Interpreting Studies
The translation and interpreting studies certificate equips students with skill-based, practical knowledge of how to translate and interpret in their careers.
Certificate in Culture, Health, and Science
In the Culture, Health, and Science certificate program, students will explore human health, disease, and healing from interdisciplinary perspectives.
Certificate in Public Interest Technology
In the Culture, Health, and Science certificate program, students will explore human health, disease, and healing from interdisciplinary perspectives.
Certificate in Classical Music Performance
This certificate prepares prepares post-baccalaureate performers, educators, theorists, historians, composers, and other musicians to perform.
Certificate in Conducting
The graduate certificate in conducting prepares post-baccalaureate performers, educators, theorists, composers, and other musicians to conduct music.