University Health Services Appointment Procedures
Health Education, Community Outreach and Marketing University Health Services
Posting of available positions
All job possibilities available to graduate students are posted through the official channels, including email distribution to relevant academic departments and program offices on campus (Public Health, Social Justice Education, School Counseling, Higher Education Administration)
Beginning in May 2007, job postings and application instructions will be posted on the UHS Website under the employment opportunities section
Application/Selection Process
Interested students must submit a cover letter and resume for any available positions. Application materials must be received by the stated timeline for consideration by the department.
Applications are reviewed by department staff who require graduate assistants as well as the Director. All candidates must be available for an interview by the relevant staff.
Review of applications and interviews typically occur in June and July for vacant positions.
Candidates must have relevant previous experience
Candidates are appointed who best meet the qualifications of the position as determined by the hiring staff person or team
Candidates must commit to a one year appointment
In making appointments, priority is given to individuals who have worked previously in the Health Education department and whose work has been satisfactory
Re-appointment procedure
In early March, the Director distributes to all incumbent graduate assistants in the department a form indicating the number of estimated assistantships for the upcoming year and asking for their interest in future or continued employment.
By Spring Break, all graduate assistants working in Health Education must submit to the Director the letter of intent for the upcoming year, in which they indicate their interest in maintaining their assistantship and anticipated date of graduation. It is made clear that assistantships are not guaranteed but that incumbent staff are given priority.
Graduate assistants who will not be reappointed due to unsatisfactory performance will be notified by December 1 and April 15.
Graduate assistants can expect to receive written confirmation of their reappointments, contract dates, and rate of pay no later than fourteen (14) days prior to the first day of classes.
Human Resources
A student who is hired for an assistantship must complete HIPPA and safety training offered at UHS in order to be processed through payroll.
All students must also attend the Human Resources Graduate Student Employee orientation during the last week of August.