Spring Shut Up & Write Tuesdays
Writing alongside others is a best practice for academic writing! This weekly drop-in provides time and space to write while caffeinated - come late or leave...
How to Impress Faculty
What is the best way to make a good impression on faculty? Come learn how to impress your advisor, and the faculty you interact with through email, courses...
Beyond Faculty: The Emotional Journey
Feeling disheartened or anxious about the state of the faculty job market? Considering another career path can be emotionally overwhelming, especially when...
Effective Poster Design
Conference coming up? Not sure how to make a great poster? Come get a crash-course in making a poster presentation. We’ll cover the basics of graphic design...
Stop Over-Preparing
Don’t have hours to spend preparing to teach, but want to do a great job? Unsure of how to fill the whole class period? In this workshop, you will learn about a