East Asian Languages & Cultures Appointment Procedures
Teaching Assistantship Appointment and Reappointment Procedures
Graduate students at UMass are all eligible to be considered for a Teaching Assistantship (TAship) in the East Asian Languages & Cultures Program, but priority is generally given to graduate students in the following order:
- Continuing students in the East Asian Languages & Cultures Program who have not completed their second year, and whose academic and TA performance are both in good standing;
- Incoming graduate students who will seek an MA in the East Asian Languages & Cultures Program, and who are suitable for the needs of the program’s curricula;
- Third-year graduate students in the East Asian Languages & Cultures Program whose academic and TA performance are both in good standing, and who are suitable for the needs of the program’s curricula;
- All other qualified graduate students at UMass.
In principle, the East Asian Languages & Cultures Program makes an effort to assure a TAship for a graduate student in the Program for two years if the student is recruited with a TAship. However, this is contingent on the availability of funding and the Teaching Assistant’s performance in both their TA duties and their academic assignments.
Reappointment of TAs will usually be made in the latter part of the final semester of the TA’s current appointment.