Kinesiology Appointment Procedures
TA/RA Appointment and Re-appointment Procedures
TA and RA appointments
TA and RA appointments are made at the time a prospective graduate student is accepted into the Exercise Science graduate program. Students are informed, in writing, at the time of acceptance that they have been awarded a TA or an RA.
If all TA and RA positions are not filled by Exercise Science graduate students, the department will post a listing of available TA and RA positions. The posting will include a description of the position (TA or RA), qualifications required for the position, application deadline, and contact person. Applicants will be required to complete an application describing their background and qualifications for the position. Within 1 week of application deadline, the contact person for the position will notify applicants of the outcome of the search.
Assignment of TA’s to courses
The student’s faculty advisor will assign students to the TA for a specific course or courses.
Notice of Assignment
The TA or RA will be informed in writing of the specific assignment as an RA or TA. If the student is assigned to a TA, the specific course assignment will be given.
Length of funding
Master’s students are eligible for two years of funding and PhD students are eligible for 4 years of funding. Funding for PhD students may exceed 4 yrs if funding is available.
In order for graduate students to maintain funding, students will be evaluated by the faculty advisor every year to insure that satisfactory progress is being made towards completion of the degree.