Fine Arts Center Appointment Procedures
Hiring Procedure for Graduate Students
The Fine Arts Center, which includes the University Arts Council, is primarily an arts presenting organization. A unique operation within the University context, the Fine Arts Center only occasionally hires graduate student assistants. Should a need exist and budget is available, a qualified student is chosen from a pool of volunteers or students who have prior experience in the department.
Appointment Process
When an opening occurs, a job description is developed including qualifications, skills required, and preferred previous experience. The position may be advertised on-campus, although most often, an applicant who has demonstrated the required skills in the past is selected from a pool of experienced volunteers or past student employees.
The immediate supervisor interviews the applicant for the position. The selection is based on the matching of the skills and background of the applicant to the stated requirements on the job description.
The immediate supervisor makes all final hiring decisions.
The selected applicant for the job is notified as soon as possible and given a review of the expectations for the position including, but not limited to; hours and stipend amount, job duties and goals.
Reappointment Process
Supervisors determine the budget and program feasibility for filling a position.
Budgets permitting, graduate students are rehired based on past performance in the job, academic considerations, and scheduling availability.
Whenever possible, students are reappointed from one semester or academic year to the next, based upon performance. Performance is evaluated by the direct supervisor on an on-going basis and at the end of the contract term and is based on their work performance within this department.