Online* indicates that a course is available online, usually through University+. Online versions of courses taught through University+ usually carry additional fee requirements. See Spire for details.
Not every course is taught in every semester. Indications of semesters in which a course is offered are subject to change. Always check Spire online for the most accurate listing of courses in a given semester.
Some courses also satisfy certain general education requirements at UMass Amherst, as indicated by the 2-letter code in parentheses after the course title.
Botany for Gardeners (Gen Ed BS)
STOCKSCH 100. A holistic view of plants including ecology, plant form and function, inheritance and evolution, and the relationship between plants and human life. Taught using world food, agricultural and gardening examples.
Online* 4 credits/Fall, Spring, Summer, Winter
Exploring the Wonders and Applications of Entomology
STOCKSCH 101. Introduction to insect recognition, development, damage, and control. Basics of insect identification, classification, biology, anatomy, and physiology, with emphasis on insect systems that make them vulnerable to control. Role of insects in ecosystems and direct benefits to humans (e.g., honey, silk, wax, and other products). Indirectly, insects are important as pollinators of crops, natural enemies of pests, scavengers, and food for other creatures. Insects can also be major pests because they destroy crops and vector diseases. Course was formerly titled "Insects and Related Forms."
Online* Seven-week course; first seven weeks of the semester.
2 credits/Fall and Spring
Plant Nutrients
STOCKSCH 104. Functions of mineral nutrients in plants, effects of mineral deficiencies, and sources of these nutrients to prevent or alleviate deficiencies in crop production. Seven-week course; first seven weeks of the semester.
Prerequisites: STOCKSCH 105; Stockbridge students only
Online* 2 credits/Spring, or Online* in Winter
Soils (Gen Ed BioSci)
STOCKSCH 105. With lab. Interrelationship of soils and higher plants. Physical, chemical, and biological properties of soils. Practical approach to current problems through basic soil principles.
Prerequisite: some knowledge of chemistry
Online* 4 credits/Fall and Spring
Soil Science and Management
STOCKSCH 106. Interrelationship of soils and higher plants. Physical, chemical, and biological properties of soils. Practical approach to current problems through basic soil principles.
Prerequisite: some knowledge of chemistry
Online* 3 credits/Fall and Summer
Turfgrass Insects
STOCKSCH 107. Principles and practical methods of controlling turf insect pests.
Prerequisites: STOCKSCH 101 (may be taken concurrently); Turf AS and BS majors only
Online* 2 credits/Spring (odd years)
Introductory Botany
STOCKSCH 108. With lab. This introductory botany course covers the unique features of plants, how they function, how they are categorized, and how they fit into the ecosystem. Topics include classification of plants, analysis of cell structure and various plant tissues and organs, and study of sexual and asexual reproduction as well as structure and function of plant systems. In addition, students will develop a basic understanding of the processes of photosynthesis and cellular respiration.
Prerequisites: Stockbridge and NRC majors only
4 credits/Fall, or Online* in Summer
Insects of Ornamentals
STOCKSCH 109. With lab. The recognition, biology, and control of major insect and mite pests attacking shade trees and woody ornamentals in the northeastern U.S. Emphasis on techniques and knowledge useful to the professional in tree care.
Prerequisite: STOCKSCH 101
Online* 3 credits/Fall
Sustainable Horticulture
STOCKSCH 110. This course introduces students to the basic principles utilized in the production of commercial horticultural crops. Topics include basic horticulture, plant biology, plant physiology, and other applied plant sciences. Some demonstrations and hands-on experimental exercises are included, and some field trips are planned.
Online* 3 credits/Fall
Introductory Plant Pathology
STOCKSCH 111. With discussion. Applied introduction to plant pathology in horticultural crops. Identification, description, and management of diseases in modern horticultural production. Chemical, biological, cultural, and genetic controls, and their integration. Seven-week course; first seven weeks of the semester.
Prerequisites: STOCKSCH 108 or 100-level biology course; Stockbridge and NRC majors only
2 credits/Spring, or Online* in Summers (even years)
Turfgrass Pathology Lab
STOCKSCH 112. With lab. Diagnosis and management of turfgrass diseases. Diagnosis techniques and appropriate cultural, chemical, genetic, and biological management strategies. Seven-week course; last seven weeks of the semester.
Prerequisites: STOCKSCH 111 (concurrently); Turfgrass AS and BS majors only
2 credits/Spring
Agricultural Chemistry
STOCKSCH 117. An introduction to chemical processes integral to understanding soils, agriculture, and the environment, focused on basic chemistry principles as they effect carbon and nitrogen cycling, soil fertility, water contamination, organic matter, and energy relations.
3 credits/Fall, or Online* in Summer
Designing a Backyard Homestead
STOCKSCH 119. Do you dream of being more self-sufficient, either on your own property or simply acquiring the skills? Have you fantasized about growing your own food, constructing a root cellar, raising animals, foraging for wild edibles, and living off-the-grid? This course explores practical home-scale food production techniques, covering kitchen essentials, season extension and food preservation techniques, carpentry skills, tool use and maintenance, as well as activities like sewing, smoking meat, fermentation and making soap and candles. Soil fertility, mini orchards, mushroom foraging, farm energy and water management, greenhouse construction and vegetable growing techniques are included. This course seeks to provide students with the knowledge necessary to live a healthy, fulfilling, and sustainable lifestyle on their own homestead.
Online* 3 credits/Fall and Winter
Organic Farming and Gardening (Gen Ed BioSci)
STOCKSCH 120. With lab. Introduction to principles of soil fertility and crop management by organic procedures which are contrasted and evaluated against conventional chemical methods of farming.
4 credits/Fall and Spring, or Online* in Summer
Introduction to Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems
STOCKSCH 165. Exploration of ethical, practical, and scientific aspects of agricultural sustainability including economic, social, and environmental impacts of food and farming. Uses systems thinking tools to compare industrial and ecological agriculture.
Prerequisite: BS degree Sustainable Food and Farming majors only
Online* 3 credits/Fall
Practical Beekeeping
STOCKSCH 166. The practical aspects of beekeeping understood in terms of the life cycle of the bee and the bee colony, and the place of bees in our world. Learning how to acquire, set up, and manage bee colonies. Dissection may be required.
Online* 3 credits/Fall
Pesticide Certification
STOCKSCH 170. Independent preparation for the state pesticide certification examination and licensure. The State Pesticide Exam Study Manual is used and available for purchase either online or at the UMass Extension Bookstore. Students must apply to take the exam; applications must be submitted by the deadline date (one week prior to the exam). Examinations are conducted online and administered by the state. See https://www.mass.gov/guides/applying-for-pesticide-exams-licenses-and-renewals
Prerequisite: Instructor permission; Stockbridge associate degree students only
1 credit/Fall and Spring
Plagues, Food and People: Ecology of Food and Disease (Gen Ed BS)
STOCKSCH 171. The ecology of major diseases related to food, from ergotism and the Salem Witch Trials to the Irish Potato famine to celiac disease and diabetes. How people, microbes and farming change our health and the environment.
Online* 4 credits/Spring
Plants in Our World (Gen Ed SI)
STOCKSCH 172. This course will enable students to study the intricate and often intimate relationship between plants and people, taking an interdisciplinary approach. Students will learn fundamental concepts in plant biology including fundamental properties of life, food chains and food webs, plants as primary producers and humans as consumers One of the primary learning goals will be society's historical connection to plants and how plants have made an impact on civilizations. The course will also look at current environmental problems that affect local and global food security and supply, alternative food sources and farming techniques supported by thought provoking case studies, documentaries, and discussions.
Online* 4 credits/Spring, Summer
Raising Dairy Goats Sustainably
STOCKSCH 184. This course explores the differences between conventional, organic, and sustainable methods of raising goats and managing a dairy, whether for home or commercial use. It will cover planning and managing the dairy, as well as natural methods of raising goats. It will integrate current research on goat health issues with management practices. Breeding and birthing issues will be discussed in detail, as well as raising kids. Basics of cheese and soap making will be included, as well as composting waste and using milk or whey as fertilizer or to raise other meat animals, such as poultry, pigs, and calves.
Online* 3 credits/Fall
Introduction to Permaculture
STOCKSCH 186. A foundation in permaculture history, ethics, principles, design process, and practical applications, rooted in the observation of natural systems. By observing key ecological relationships, we can mimic and apply these beneficial relationships in the design of systems that serve humans while helping to restore the natural world. This course trains students as critical thinkers, observers, and analysts of the world(s) around them, and then goes on to provide students with the tools needed to design for inspired and positive change.
3 credits/Fall and Spring, or Online* in Summer
First Year Seminar
STOCKSCH 192F. An overview course designed to provide First-Year students with information, opportunities, and skills to ease their transition into college and build a successful foundation necessary to reach their educational goals.
Prerequisite: Stockbridge AS degree freshmen only
1 credit/Fall
Independent Study
STOCKSCH 196Y. Independent work related to some area of the food crops and green industries.
Prerequisites: Instructor permission, and advisor permission
1-3 credits/Fall and Spring
Special Topic: Soils Lab
STOCKSCH 197S. This class is specifically for those students who have already taken STOCKSCH 106, and who now wish to complete the lab component of the STOCKSCH 105 class that is required for all students completing a Stockbridge major.
Prerequisites: BS degree students who completed STOCKSCH 106; instructor permission
1 credit/Spring (odd years)
Sustainable Food & Farming Internship
STOCKSCH 198F. Required of all 2-year associate degree students majoring in Sustainable Food and Farming. Three-month (June-August) internship) in the specific field of study. Reports required. Course registered as Spring but completed in Summer.
Prerequisite: Sustainable Food and Farming AS majors only
1-4 credits/Spring
Sustainable Horticulture Internship
STOCKSCH 198G. Required of all 2-year associate degree students majoring in Sustainable Horticulture. Three-month (June-August) internship in the specific field of study. Submission of reports required. Course registered as Spring but completed in Summer.
Prerequisite: Sustainable Horticulture (AS) majors only
1-4 credits/Spring
Permaculture Gardening at UMass
STOCKSCH 198P. In this hands-on practicum class, students will learn about permaculture basics while maintaining our on-campus permaculture demonstration gardens.
1 credit/Fall and Spring; Pass/Fail Grading.
Turfgrass Internship
STOCKSCH 198T. Required of all 2-year associate degree students majoring in Turfgrass Management. Three-month (June-August) internship in the specific field of study. Reports required. Course registered as Spring but completed in Summer.
Prerequisites: STOCKSCH 230 with minimum grade of "C"; AS degree Turfgrass Management majors only
1-3 credits/Spring
Plant Propagation
STOCKSCH 200. With lab. The basic principles and techniques for propagating plants by both sexual and asexual means, including seeds, cuttings, bulbs, and tissue culture. The hormonal and physiological factors affecting rooting, seed dormancy, grafting, budding and layering.
Prerequisite: STOCKSCH 108 or 100-level biology course
3 credits/Fall (odd years)
Holistic Fruit Production
STOCKSCH 209. In this course we will study the principles and practices governing the establishment and management of fruit plantings from a holistic or systems perspective. The class will cover the four main small fruit or berry crops (strawberries, raspberries/blackberries, blueberries, and grapes) and four main tree fruit crops (apples, pears, peaches, and plums). Information covered will be oriented to growing conditions found in the Northeastern United States including traditional practices and innovations, organic, IPM (integrated pest management), and conventional practices.
Online* 3 credits/Spring
Retail Floral Design
STOCKSCH 210. Introductory principles and practices for designing marketable floral arrangements, including weddings and events. This course integrates basic design principles and immediately puts them into practice to create arrangements for a handful of local campus clients. We will practice skills for making balanced market bouquets, centerpieces, large-format arrangements and installations with an emphasis on sustainable approaches and reusable mechanics.
Prerequisite: Open to Stockbridge AS and BS students; instructor permission
3 credits/Fall
Pasture Management
STOCKSCH 211. Potential of pasture to provide nutritional needs of livestock and the integration of well-managed pasture systems which can contribute significantly to the sustainability of the farm. Major topics include a review of major forage species selection, grazing management, establishment of new pastures, and pasture renovation.
Online* 3 credits/Spring
Introductory Turfgrass Management
STOCKSCH 230. With lab. Basic principles of selecting and managing turfgrass for home lawns, parks, golf courses, and other turf areas. Topics include: climatic adaption, grass identification, establishment practices, pest control, fertility, environmental stresses, etc.
Prerequisites: STOCKSCH 105 and 108 (can be taken concurrently with 230)
4 credits/Fall
Irrigation & Drainage
STOCKSCH 234. Class focuses on the principles and management of irrigation systems for agricultural purposes (primary emphasis on golf courses and landscapes). Topics covered include hydraulics, water use and conservation methods, precipitation rate calculations, design and installation of irrigation systems, maintenance of irrigation system components, troubleshooting, and fiscal considerations. Drainage systems and impacts to turf environments also covered.
3 credits/Spring
Applied Calculations in Turf Management
STOCKSCH 240. Calculations involving area and volume measurements, fertilizer and pesticide requirements, cost analysis, seed calculations, irrigation calculations, and calculations relating to spreader and sprayer calibrations.
Prerequisite: STOCKSCH 230 with minimum grade of “C”; Turfgrass majors only
2 credits/Spring (odd years)
Herbaceous Plants
STOCKSCH 255. Study and identification of herbaceous plants; their uses as ornamental plants for home, park, and business.
Prerequisite: Stockbridge students only
3 credits/Spring
Urban Agriculture
STOCKSCH 258. Students will learn about innovative production methods and critical social, economic, and environmental dimensions of modern-day urban agriculture. Scholarly articles and videos, a custom library research guide, and significant research support from the instructor provide a strong foundation for students to investigate important topics and evaluate the performance of real-life urban farm systems. The course will consist of lectures, readings, videos, and research assignments in which students critically assess major strengths, weaknesses, and issues of 21st century urban farm systems.
Online* 3 credits/Summer (even years) or Winter (odd years)
Agricultural Leadership and Community Education
STOCKSCH 263. Introduction to teaching methodologies, tools for leadership, and community-building strategies for community and farm-based education. Explores topics relevant to teaching food systems, agriculture, and sustainability in a variety of settings including on-farm education, educational programs in non-profits or public schools.
Online* 3 credits/Spring (even years)
Farm Management, Planning & Marketing
STOCKSCH 266. This course is designed for students who foresee starting a farming operation in the future or who currently own, manage or work on a small, diversified farm. The complexity of whole farm planning is covered through agricultural business planning, organizational design, decision making, leadership and management of employees, production systems and record keeping. Course requires additional lab fees.
Prerequisite: BS degree Sustainable Food & Farming majors only, or instructor permission.
3 credits/Spring
Small Farm Husbandry: Cows, Sheep & Goats for Meat Production
STOCKSCH 268. This course is a farmer's perspective on the sustainable management of cows, sheep, and goats on a small farm. It provides students with a clear understanding of how to think through the planning and management of cows, sheep, and goats for meat production. All aspects from breeding to marketing will be addressed. Students will gain a rudimentary plan on how to incorporate ruminants into their small farm plan.
Prerequisite: BS degree Sustainable Food & Farming majors only, or instructor permission.
Online* 3 credits/Spring
Small Farm Husbandry: Pigs & Poultry
STOCKSCH 269. This course is a farmer's perspective on the management, production and marketing of poultry and pigs on a small farm. This course will address the advantages of having pigs and poultry and will review basic care, processing options, regulations, and marketing. The course will be structured around lectures, farm visits, guest lectures and acquiring hands on skills. At the end of this course, students will be able to incorporate pigs and poultry as an integral part of their small farm plan.
Prerequisite: BS degree Sustainable Food & Farming majors only, or instructor permission.
Online* 4 credits/Fall
Sustainable Soil and Crop Management
STOCKSCH 270. With lab. Maintenance and enhancement of long-term productivity and sustainability of soil in food and feed production. Students will gain an integrated knowledge of soil and crop influences on cropping systems. The lab includes several farm visits, farmers’ and students’ presentations.
3 credits/Fall
Turfgrass Physiology & Ecology
STOCKSCH 275. Full semester course. First half of semester: An introduction to basic concepts in agricultural chemistry as related to the growth and culture of turf grasses. Second half: the overall growth and development of grasses, including such areas as soil fertility and mineral nutrition.
Prerequisite: STOCKSCH 230 with minimum grade of “C”; Stockbridge Turfgrass majors only
3 credits/Spring (odd years)
Herbs, Spices and Medicinal Plants
STOCKSCH 280. With lab. Introduction to the growth, culture, and science related to the production and use of herbs, spices, and medicinal plants. Emphasis on plants used in the home; discussion of bioactivity of plant extracts. Practice in seeding, growing, oil extraction, and utilization of these plants.
Online* 4 credits/Fall
Topics in Herbalism I
STOCKSCH 281. Introduction to the broad field of herbalism through the eyes of a clinical and community herbalist, a survey course in multiple format (lecture, experiential, indoor, outdoor), topics including historical overview; comparison of major health models of allopathy and holism, introduction to diverse herbal-based health models (Western, Asian, Indigenous), in depth information on medicinal plants, plant ID, gathering, growing and preparation skills, diverse tools of an herbalist, food as medicine; ethics, politics, and legalities of herbalism.
Online* 2 credits/Summer and Winter
Topics in Herbalism II
STOCKSCH 282. This class introduces students to the depth and diversity of Herbalism, comparing different types of herbal practice, including phytotherapy, clinical herbalism, community herbalism, aromatherapy, flower essence/plant-spirit medicine, and homeopathy.
Online* 2 credits/Spring
Cultivation of Edible Mushrooms
STOCKSCH 284. The course introduces methods of growing edible mushrooms, including culture maintenance, basic mushroom substrate preparation, composting, spawn generation techniques, inoculation methods, harvesting, and pest management of mushrooms. Students will understand the principles of mushroom cultivation, acquire the practical knowledge to grow several species of mushrooms, and will have the confidence to approach the mushroom industry for potential employment opportunities. The history of mushroom production and recent trends in the diversification of edible mushrooms will be discussed. Every step in small-scale and industrial commercialization of edible mushrooms, from spawn production to mushroom harvest, will be covered.
Online* 3 credits/Spring
Permaculture Design and Practice
STOCKSCH 286. This course includes in-class lectures, field trips, design studio and a hands-on field component, to offer students a deepened and applied practice in permaculture design process and techniques. The course culminates with students developing a permaculture design and community engagement process.
Prerequisites: STOCKSCH 186 or instructor permission; Sustainable Food and Farming BS majors only
3 credits/Spring
Forest Gardens: Perennial Agriculture for Ecological Regeneration
STOCKSCH 289. Offers students deepened understanding of forest gardens, with a focus on northeast temperate climates. This course will use readings, field trips, hands on learning at the Agriculture Learning Center and in class exercises to explore the resilience and benefits of forest systems and how we would tweak them for the creation of forest gardens.
Prerequisite: STOCKSCH 186
3 credits/Fall (odd years)
Native American Food Systems
STOCKSCH 290N. The course is an introduction to Native American Food Systems, focusing on how individual tribal members and tribal governments express food sovereignty both on and off their reservations within 5 key sectors. Students will learn how plants and animals are viewed in both the spiritual and economic sense and how tribes and tribal citizens are creating sustainable food-related businesses for economic development. This course will examine organizations and individuals across the nation that are dedicated to uplifting Native American food systems.
Online* 3 credits/Spring
Independent Study
STOCKSCH 296. Sophomore-level educational project with a faculty member related to some area of the food crops or green industries.
Prerequisite: Instructor permission
1-6 credits/Fall and Spring
Independent Study: Stockbridge School Teaching Experience
STOCKSCH 296T. Students gain experience in teaching introductory level (100-200) courses. Students will be expected to demonstrate specific competencies related to labs and assisting students; lead review sessions; gain experience in all aspects of teaching a Stockbridge School class.
Prerequisites: Successful completion of course (and related prerequisites) in which the student plans to TA; Instructor permission
1-2 credits/Spring
Introduction to Food and Agriculture Law
STOCKSCH 297L. This course is designed to give future farmers, farm managers, and food entrepreneurs an introduction to the laws and government regulations related to food production. This course will seek to demystify how food regulations are made and enforced, and for students to better understand the interaction between food producer and government regulator. At the end of the course, students will be in a better position to assess in their own businesses when they may be able to resolve their own legal issues and when it may be wise to rely upon outside legal counsel. The course will focus on sustainable agriculture and food production, with an eye to both government regulation and government resources becoming available for small farmers.
Online* 3 credits/Winter (odd years)
STOCKSCH 298. Pre-professional work experience related to some area of the food crops, and green industries. Specific practica are available in areas including agriculture, animal husbandry, greenhouse management, hydroponics, or permaculture.
Prerequisite: Department permission.
1-6 credits/Fall and Spring; Pass/Fail Grading.
General Plant Pathology
STOCKSCH 301. Plant diseases are omnipresent and incredibly impactful in artificial (e.g. farms, managed landscapes) and natural (e.g. forests, meadows) systems. How do we recognize diseases and then manage them? What are the experts in the field that we can rely on to help us diagnose plant diseases? During this course, we will learn to (1) recognize important categories of plant diseases, (2) diagnose the main types of pathogens (Fungi, Bacteria, Viruses and Nematodes) and (3) manage diseases sustainably. Through active learning and meeting with expert guest speakers, you will be able to identify and manage diseases in your surroundings.
Prerequisites: STOCKSCH 108; MICROBIO 311 and 312; and a 100-level BIOLOGY course, or instructor permission
3 credits/Spring
Principles of Weed Management
STOCKSCH 310. With lab. History of weed control; importance of weeds and their relationship to people and the environment; ecology of weeds, competition, persistence and survival mechanisms; reproduction, seed germination, and dormancy; methods of weed control -- cultural, biological, chemical, and integrated pest management strategies; classification of herbicides and their selectivity; soil factors affecting herbicide performance, persistence and degradation; application equipment and calibration of sprayers; weed management systems for various crops and non-crop areas.
Prerequisite: STOCKSCH 108 or a 100-level Biology course
3 credits/Spring (odd years)
Greenhouse Management
STOCKSCH 315. With lab. Introduction to the greenhouse environment and the technology used in production of greenhouse crops. Greenhouse experiments in crop production; exercises on greenhouse structures, heating and cooling, growing media, crop nutrition, photoperiod control and lighting, and crop scheduling; field trip to local greenhouses.
Prerequisites: STOCKSCH 108, 110, OR 165
Online* 4 credits/Spring
Organic Vegetable Production
STOCKSCH 320. Students will learn organic insect, disease, and weed control, greenhouse production and construction, irrigation practices, planting and fertility, harvesting and marketing techniques, as well as how to manage money, people and natural resources.
Prerequisite: Sustainable Food and Farming majors only; or instructor permission
3 credits/Fall, or Online* in Summer
Insect Biology
STOCKSCH 326. How insects solve their problems of maintenance, survival, reproduction, etc., and how entomologists apply this knowledge in managing them. Other topics include insect evolution, plant and insect interactions, biodiversity and conservation of insects, behavior, and insect pest management. Emphasis on various insect models (e.g., Drosophila) as they relate to major research in biology. Course does not currently include a lab or field trips.
3 credits/Fall
Principles and Practices of Greenhouse Cultivation
STOCKSCH 335. Greenhouse culture of Spring greenhouse crops. Includes lab. This course provides a comprehensive introduction to greenhouse cultivation, focusing on the principles and practices essential for successful crop production in controlled environments. Topics include greenhouse structures, environmental controls, light management, temperature regulation, irrigation, and nutrient management. Students will explore integrated pest management (IPM) and sustainable practices while gaining hands-on experience with crop selection and growth techniques suited for greenhouses. Through a blend of lectures, practical lab sessions, and case studies, students will learn to optimize greenhouse conditions to maximize plant health, yield, and resource efficiency. This course is ideal for students interested in horticulture, agronomy, or sustainable agriculture.
4 credits/Spring
Nonprofit Management of Community-Based Farming Programs
STOCKSCH 354. Covers the foundations of nonprofit work focused on local food systems, including how to start a nonprofit organization, planning successful programs, working with a community, grant writing, fundraising, board development, advocacy, and marketing. Learn the basics of how community-based nonprofits are on the forefront of sustainable and local food initiatives across the nation.
Online* 3 credits/Winter
Community Food Systems
STOCKSCH 355. This course examines the movement of food from seed to table. Participants explore local and global food systems, and specific food related issues that impact health of communities. Among the topics included are: examining the economic and political decisions that frame our food chain, direct marketing, commercial agriculture, processing, food justice, hunger, health, food security, peak oil, school food systems and school gardens, Community Supported Agriculture, farmers’ markets, small scale farming and homesteading. At the center of this course is the examination of the opportunities and challenges required in making community food projects that create real lasting systems change. Community Food Systems requires participants to be motivated to develop meaningful projects in the community.
Online* 3 credits/Summer
Food Justice and Policy
STOCKSCH 356. This course examines the role of policy in determining WHAT we eat, WHO experiences barriers to access to safe, healthy, local, fairly produced foods, and HOW we create equity and sustainability in our local food system. We will start by looking at the basic components of our food system: production, distribution, and consumption. We will then examine systemic structures of race, class, citizenship, and ability as they relate to access to healthy local food. The coursework concludes with an in-depth look at food sovereignty, the right of communities to choose how their food is produced and what they consume, the impact of agribusiness and the concentration of resources into the hands of a few corporations, and the dramatic effect U.S. food policies have on the rest of the world. Students will have the opportunity to do research and analysis useful to those working for food change in the Pioneer Valley region.
Prerequisites: STOCKSCH 165 (Intro to Sustainable Agriculture); or instructor permission.
3 credits/Fall
Social Permaculture: Building Resilient Communities and Organizations
STOCKSCH 358. Permaculture mimics ecological systems to design gardens, farms and homesteads which have the resilience and benefits of natural systems. Human designed systems however cannot function without social systems such as decision making, communications, organizational structure, and policy. This course will use readings, case studies, guest speakers and in class exercises to explore how to apply permaculture ethics and principles to a variety of social systems.
Prerequisites: STOCKSCH 186; Sustainable Food & Farming majors only
3 credits/Spring, Offered In-person or Online*
STOCKSCH 365. With lab. Instruction in and practice on soilless culture of plants by hydroponics. Topics include plant nutrition, nutrient solutions, media, systems and techniques of hydroponics, and marketing.
Prerequisite: STOCKSCH 105 or 120; chemistry recommended
4 credits/Fall (even years), or Online*
Tropical Agriculture (Gen Ed, BioSci)
STOCKSCH 370. Tropical regions of the world, their environment and classification; influence of climate, population, and socio-economic conditions on the diversity agriculture and people groups; major crops and cropping systems of sub-humid tropics; introduction to dry land agriculture; importance of rainfall and irrigation on productivity; green revolution; desertification; present and future research needs of region, and state of agricultural technology.
4 credits/Spring
Student Farm Management I: Planning for Production
Course to be taken concurrently with STOCKSCH 398E Farm Enterprise Practicum. In this course students will formulate a complete production plan for a 20-acre organic vegetable farm through the comprehension of introduced topics and activity. Topics covered in detail include small farm business development, production planning for established markets, compliance with farm certifications for organic production and food safety regulations, soil health and fertility, and methods for plant production and crop maintenance.
Prerequisites: Instructor permission; STOCKSCH 105; STOCKSCH 398E (taken concurrently)
Request instructor permission through Stockbridge website:
3 credits/Spring
Introductory Agroecology
STOCKSCH 378. An overview of the ecology related to agricultural production, emphasizing crop production. The course will introduce students to ecological principles related to agricultural ecosystems, and to the ways these principles work in modern industrialized agriculture, in traditional agricultural systems, and in alternative systems such as organic agriculture. Students will learn ways by which ecological principles to determine the sustainability of agroecosystems and used to make them more sustainable.
Prerequisites: STOCKSCH 100 or 108, or Biology 151
3 credits/Fall (even years), or Online* in Summer
Agricultural Systems Thinking
STOCKSCH 379. Systems thinking is a way of understanding complex real-world situations such as those often encountered in sustainable food and farming careers. Systems tools are needed to complement more traditional discipline-focused scientific approaches when a problem under study: 1) is complex; 2) involves multiple relationships; and/or 3) involves human decision-making. This course will introduce students to systems tools for unraveling complexity and integrating their learning from previous courses and experience. Case studies and real farms students learned about in STOCKSCH 165 (Intro to Sustainable Agriculture) will be used as model systems for application of integrative systems tools. Satisfies the Integrative Experience requirement for Sustainable Food & Farming BS majors.
Prerequisites: Junior or senior Sustainable Food and Farming BS majors only, or instructor permission
3 credits/Fall, or Online* in Summer and Winter
Professional Development in Sustainable Food and Farming
STOCKSCH 382. (Gen Ed: CW) Satisfies the Junior Year Writing requirement for Sustainable Food and Farming BS degree majors. Practice and improve writing while clarifying career goals and improving professional communication skills. The course fufills the Junior Year Writing requirement for students in the Sustainable Food & Farming BS major.
Prerequisites: Stockbridge majors only; ENGLWRIT 112 or completion of Gen Ed CW (college writing) requirement; or instructor permission.
3 credits/Spring, or Online* in Summer and Winter
Introduction to Plant Physiology
STOCKSCH 384. This course will introduce students to fundamental concepts of physiological processes governing plant growth and development, from cell to whole plant responses. The course blends concepts from traditional plant physiology and recent research advances to help provide insight on plant growth and function under various environmental conditions.
Prerequisite: STOCKSCH 108; CHEM 110 or 111
3 credits/Spring
Sustainable Site Design and Planning
STOCKSCH 386. This course is an exploration into the fundamentals of sustainable landscape design with particular attention to integrating both existing and new buildings into the landscape with a view to reducing maintenance needs. Students investigate sustainable design strategies that address the ecological, water, energy and food system links between buildings and their supporting sites, as exemplified by the LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) rating system and Sustainable Sites Initiative (SITES). Topics include design principles and process, natural factors (e.g. topography, soils, vegetation), green roofs, green walls/vertical gardens, rainwater collection systems, native planting, edible landscapes and permaculture, sustainable forestry practices, post-industrial landscapes, and the human use of outdoor spaces. Emphasis will be placed on cost saving techniques for creating self-sustaining, low maintenance sites. Many real-world examples will be discussed.
Online* 3 credits/Fall
Global Food Systems
STOCKSCH 387. This course covers social aspects of the agri-food systems as well as the political economy of food, agriculture and sustainability. Students are encouraged to examine the cultural, ecological and economic implications of the ways food is perceived, produced and consumed. From rural development to the controversy of GMOs, from land conservation to the politics of globalization, from local food systems to global food justice, students use interdisciplinary perspectives to comprehend, analyze and visualize improved global and local food systems.
Prerequisites: Sustainable Food & Farming majors only
Online* 3 credits/Spring
Plant Biotechnology and Tissue Culture
STOCKSCH 390A. With lab. Biotechnology has experienced tremendous growth in the last two decades and has transformed the areas of crop genetic engineering for food, fibers, biofuels and medicine. Plant tissue culture techniques facilitated the introduction of genes into plants for making crops resistant to herbicides and insects, enabling the production of edible vaccines, biofuels and healthy foods. Therefore, knowledge of plant tissue culture and transgenic technology is highly desirable for preparing and training the next generation of scientists. This course will cover the basic knowledge of plant tissue culture, recombinant DNA and gene expression technology required for transformation and assessment of genetically engineered crops. Additionally, this course will introduce students to the application of biotechnology to address global food and nutritional security issues, and controversies about genetically modified crops (GMOs). The Plant Biotechnology and Tissue Culture Course is designed to provide students with basic lab skills of plant tissue culture and biotechnology applications in plants. Course requires additional lab fees.
Prerequisites: BIO 151 or 152, and CHEM 111 or 112
4 credits/Spring (even years)
Special Topic: Sustainable Grape Production
STOCKSCH 390ST. The course discusses how standard sustainable grape growing practices (e.g.: IPM, organic, agroecological,...) and innovation (e.g.: precision agriculture, breeding novel grape varieties, microbiome dynamics,...) can contribute to sustainability. The course is experiential and in-person with weekly lectures, laboratories and local field trips. Field trips include visits to vineyards in New England. Students will also work on the student-run organic vineyard on the UMASS campus. In their individual projects, students will present sustainable solutions to local and global challenges using various practices and emerging grape varieties. Additional lab fees required.
Prerequisite: STOCKSCH 108 or a 100-level Biology course.
3 credits/Spring (odd years) or Online*
Special Topic: Livestock Marketing and Finances
STOCKSCH 390STB. Students will receive an opportunity to manage and organize meat sales through retail, wholesale and direct to consumer markets. Student will walk away with an understanding of pricing products, estimating yields and revenue, managing inventory in relation to sales, organization of business through Excel spreadsheets, marketing, and interpersonal marketing management skills.
Prerequisites: STOCKSCH 268 and 269, or ANIMLSCI 232 and 252
3 credits/Fall (odd years)
Special Topic: Turfgrass Science and Management
STOCKSCH 391B. A practical review of key subjects in turfgrass science and management. The course is specifically designed to prepare students for National Collegiate Turf Bowl competitions in the areas of golf course and sports turf management. Students from across the country participate in these annual competitions to gain recognition for their university turf programs and to network with industry professionals.
Prerequisites: STOCKSCH 105, 107, 240 and 275
1 credit/Fall
Independent Study
STOCKSCH 396. Upper-level project for students who have completed introductory courses in biology/botany, soils and/or entomology.
Prerequisite: Department permission—See Stockbridge registrar in Paige 211.
1-6 credits/Fall and Spring
Special Topic: Agricultural Leadership and Community Education II
STOCKSCH 397AL. This course will build upon STOCKSCH 263 by deepening students' understanding of teaching methodologies and community-building strategies for Sustainable Food and Farming majors.
Prerequisite: STOCKSCH 263; instructor permission
3 credits/Spring (odd years)
Special Topic: Social Permaculture for Food Justice
STOCKSCH 397FJ. Social Permaculture for Food Justice prepares students with methodologies from the fields of permaculture design and social justice to enact change in the food system. Students learn tools to help them critique food system inequities, articulate goals for social change, and analyze their own power, privilege, and competencies as makers of change. Finally, students are guided through a permaculture design process in which they create social design models to catalyze the changes they wish to see in the food system. Throughout the course, there is an emphasis on maintaining personal sustainability as food justice activists and developing leadership skills.
Online* 3 credits/Spring
Special Topic: Horticulture Industry Topics
STOCKSCH 397U. Ornamental horticulture is an ever-changing field adapting to meet consumer trends and changing to address industry concerns and challenges. This course will explore current topics and issues in the horticulture industry. Topics to be covered will include substrates, irrigation, pollinators, native plants, invasive plants, edible landscapes, etc.
Prerequisite: Open to seniors only
3 credits/Fall (even years)
STOCKSCH 398. Internship or other pre-professional work experience in the field of plant and soil sciences. Requires prerequisite course work in plant biology, soil science, and at least two mid-level STOCKSCH courses.
Prerequisite: Department permission—See Stockbridge registrar in Paige 211.
1-18 credits/Fall and Spring
Agricultural Practicum
STOCKSCH 398B. Internship or other pre-professional work experience in the field of plant and soil sciences. Requires prerequisite course work in plant biology, soil science, and at least two mid-level STOCKSCH courses.
Prerequisite: Department permission—See Stockbridge registrar in Paige 211.
1-18 credits/Fall and Spring
HydroFarm Practicum
STOCKSCH 398D. The UMass HydroFarm Practicum is largely organized and run by students, who select crops, set up growing apparatus in the greenhouse, maintain it and grow the crops, then market and harvest them.
1-3 credits/Fall and Spring
Farm Enterprise Practicum
STOCKSCH 398E. Guided practicum experience providing students with practical experience in growing crops, as well as managing and marketing these crops in support of their educational goals. Students will develop, use and evaluate crop plans, including all aspects of production and marketing. Students will gain practical experience in management of soil fertility, water, and pests using integrated pest management (IPM) and organic methods. Weekly seminar and field trips required. Enrollment limited.
Prerequisites: STOCKSCH 105; STOCKSCH 376 (taken concurrently); BS degree juniors; instructor permission
3-6 credits/Spring, Pass/Fail option.
Greenhouse Practicum
STOCKSCH 398G. Focus on greenhouse venting and temperature control, maintaining outdoor gardens, harvesting of floricultural crops, post-harvest handling of floricultural crops, fertilization, propagation (by seed, cuttings, division), greenhouse maintenance, operation of greenhouse equipment (fertilizer injector).
Prerequisite: Instructor permission
1-18 credits/Fall and Spring
Turf Practicum
STOCKSCH 398T. Internship or other pre-professional work experience in the field of turfgrass management, including but not limited to golf course management, athletic field maintenance, and professional lawn care.
Prerequisites: STOCKSCH 230; Department permission—See Stockbridge registrar in Paige 211.
1-18 credits/Fall and Spring
Student Farm Management II: Harvesting, Marketing and Management
STOCKSCH 476. Course to be taken concurrently with STOCKSCH 498E Student Farming Enterprise. In this class students will learn the practical application of harvesting and marketing techniques used for the sale of organic vegetable crops. Students will complete a financial analysis of the current growing season and make recommendations for the next production cycle.
Prerequisites: STOCKSCH 376; STOCKSCH 476 should be taken concurrently with STOCKSCH 498E; instructor permission
Request instructor permission through Stockbridge website:
3 credits/Fall
Sustainable Food and Farming Senior Capstone
STOCKSCH 485. This course offers seniors an opportunity to study a current sustainable food and/or farming problem, review the literature related to the problem, develop management tactics and strategies to address the problem, and communicate their conclusions with others in a professional setting.
Prerequisites: STOCKSCH 165 or 379; Sustainable Food & Farming majors only
3 credits/Spring (odd years).
Soil Ecology
STOCKSCH 490S. Biological processes found in the soil are essential to life on Earth. This course will introduce students to soils as their own ecosystem. Throughout the course, we will weave together descriptions of the diversity of life found within soils, plant-soil interactions and biogeography to paint a mosaic of soil life, its complexity and global importance. The final portion of the course will address the global challenges facing soil ecosystems and the potential of the soil health movement. This course will have three field trips which will occur during our regular scheduled lecture time.
Prerequisites: STOCKSCH 105 or ENVIRSCI 364 (soil science)
3 credits/Fall
Global Issues in Applied Biology (Gen Ed IE)
STOCKSCH 494I. This course will consist of three case study modules. Each module is a real-world problem that integrates knowledge from a biological, social, political, and economic perspective. The modules will mostly be about agriculture and the environment. Students are expected to transfer their knowledge from the broader General Education training into specific real-world issues.
This course satisfies the Integrative Experience requirement for STOCKSCH BS majors.
Prerequisites: BIOLOGY 151 or STOCKSCH 108; open to juniors and seniors seeking a Stockbridge bachelor degree, or majoring in Biochemistry, Science, or Environmental Science
3 credits/Spring
Independent Study
STOCKSCH 496. Research or other independent upper-level project in plant and soil sciences. Student must have completed course work in plant biology, soil science, chemistry, and at least one upper-level STOCKSCH course.
Prerequisite: Department permission—See Stockbridge registrar in Paige 211.
1-6 credits/Fall and Spring
Independent Study: Plant Science
Plant science research in laboratory or greenhouse. Student must have completed course work in plant biology, soil science, chemistry, and at least one upper-level STOCKSCH course.
Prerequisite: Department permission—See Stockbridge registrar in Paige 211.
1-6 credits/Fall and Spring
Independent Study: Soil Science
STOCKSCH 496B. Soil science research in laboratory or field setting. Student must have completed course work in plant biology, soil science, chemistry, and at least one upper-level STOCKSCH course.
Prerequisite: Department permission—See Stockbridge registrar in Paige 211.
1-6 credits/Spring
Independent Study: Teaching Assistant
STOCKSCH 496C. Assist with instruction/classroom preparation for Stockbridge School courses. Student must have the permission of the instructor teaching the course, sign an Independent Study Contract for it, and receive FERPA certification if involved in grading.
Prerequisite: Department permission—See Stockbridge registrar in Paige 211.
1-6 credits/Spring
Independent Study: Insect Science
STOCKSCH 496D. Upper-level project for students who have satisfactorily completed at least one 500-level entomology-related class in addition to foundation course work in biology and/or entomology.
Prerequisite: Department permission—See Stockbridge registrar in Paige 211.
1-6 credits/Spring
STOCKSCH 498. Internship or other pre-professional work experience in the field of plant and soil sciences. Continuation of guided practicum experience in 398
Prerequisite: Department permission—See Stockbridge registrar in Paige 211.
1-18 credits/Fall and Spring
Farm Enterprise Practicum II
STOCKSCH 498E. Continuation of guided practicum experience (STOCKSCH 398E), with students maintaining crops planted in the Spring semester and preparing fields for winter.
Students will harvest, clean, store and market their crops. Participation in weekly seminar required. Students will prepare written report covering all aspects of the production and marketing components of their target crops and present results/recommendations to the group. A Friday lab is required in this course. Please sign up with the instructor for one of three LAB times on Fridays: 10:10-12:05, 12:20-2:15, or 2:30-4:25.
Prerequisites: Instructor permission; STOCKSCH 398E; STOCKSCH 498E should be taken concurrently with STOCKSCH 476 Student Farm Management II: Harvesting, Marketing and Management (formerly STOCKSCH 490F and 497SF)
1-6 credits/Fall, Pass/Fail Option
Management & Ecology of Plant Diseases
STOCKSCH 510. The ecology of plant, microbe, and human interactions in plant diseases, from wilderness to industrial farms. Epidemics, traditional farming, environmental impacts, and sustainability issues. Ways in which agriculture, particularly plant production and plant disease management, change ecosystems. Independent project required.
Prerequisite: STOCKSCH 108
3 credits/Spring, or Online* in Spring
Microbiology of the Soil
STOCKSCH 515. Microbial processes in the soil and sediment environment; ecology of the various microbial communities; decomposition of organic matter, carbon transformation, nitrogen, sulfur, phosphorus and other mineral transformations. Chemistry of these reactions and their biogeochemical implications. Biological equilibrium, the rhizosphere, and microbial associations.
Prerequisites: CHEM 250 or CHEM 261(organic chemistry)
3 credits/Fall
Plant Stress Physiology
STOCKSCH 523. This is an advanced course focusing on plant responses to major abiotic stresses. Current research topics in stress physiology will be discussed.
Prerequisite: STOCKSCH 384 or BIOLOGY 510
3 credits/Fall (odd years)
Plant Nutrition
STOCKSCH 530. With lab. The acquisition, translocation, distribution, and function of the essential inorganic elements in plants. Genetic control of plant nutrition and ecological adaptation to nutritional variables. Diagnosis of plant nutritional disorders.
Prerequisites: STOCKSCH 105 or 117 (ag chem); and CHEM 111
4 credits/Fall
Diagnostic Plant Pathology
STOCKSCH 535. With lab. Methods of diagnosing plant diseases caused by fungi, bacteria, viruses, nematodes, and abiotic agents are considered, using specimens collected by students. Additional lab fees required.
Prerequisites: STOCKSCH 505 (General Plant Pathology, recently renumbered to 301)
4 credits/Fall (even years)
Soil Formation and Classification
STOCKSCH 565. With lab. Effect of environmental factors on soil formation and land use. Relationship between soil morphology, classification, and use interpretations. Application of soils information to on-site sewage disposal, wetland identification, and other environmentally significant problem areas.
Prerequisites: Introductory course in chemistry, geology, soils, or environmental science; or instructor permission. Open only to juniors, seniors and graduate students in the Stockbridge School of Agriculture, or who are majoring in Environmental Science, Geology, Geography, Geosciences, Natural Resource Conservation, or Environmental Conservation,
4 credits/Spring (odd years)
Environmental Soil Chemistry
STOCKSCH 575. With lab. Fundamental chemical concepts/processes in soils, such as ion exchange, precipitation/dissolution, redox reactions, partitioning and adsorption, and solution speciation and nature of soil minerals and organic matter. Computer models used to examine current environmental, agricultural, and engineering problems. Examination of how chemical processes affect fate, transport, availability, and remediation of trace elements, heavy metals and organic contaminants in soils and sediments. Discussion on current environmental issues and problems.
Prerequisites: CHEM 110 or CHEM 111, or instructor permission; STOCKSCH 105 strongly recommended
4 credits/Fall
Soil Fertility
STOCKSCH 580. The role of mineral elements in the growth of plants; plant response to fertilizers and other soil amendments; soil reaction, mineral deficiencies and toxicities; environmental impact of soil fertility management practices.
Prerequisites: STOCKSCH 105 or 106, or any other soil science course
3 credits/Spring, or Online*
Integrated Pest Management
STOCKSCH 581. With lab. Theory and application of the principles of insect, disease, and weed/pest management; emphasis on insects. Focus on pest and natural enemy sampling techniques, properties of available control strategies, underlying ecological and behavioral principles, model pest management systems and societal concerns. Course is worth 4 credits to undergraduates, and 5 credits to graduate students.
Prerequisite: Instructor permission
4 credits/Fall, or Online* in Summer
Inorganic Contaminants in Soil, Water, and Sediment
STOCKSCH 585. Physical, chemical, and biological factors affecting the fate and transport of inorganic contaminants (including heavy metals) in soil, water, and sediment. Sources, chemistry, pedogenic and geochemical behavior of these contaminants and methods used for their analysis. Risk assessment, and remediation technologies, options, and goals.
Prerequisites: CHEM 111 and 112
3 credits/Spring (even years)
Phytoremediation: Using Plants to Clean Soils
STOCKSCH 587. This course will cover the various aspects of phytoremediation - the use of plants (both natural hyper-accumulators and transgenic) and their associated microbes with the purpose of environmental clean-up of contaminated soil, sediments and water. Various strategies for phytoremediation of a wide range of toxic pollutants, both organic and elemental, with a special emphasis on toxic metals will be discussed.
Prerequisites: BIO 153 or STOCKSCH 108 or STOCKSCH 384
3 credits/Fall, or Spring (Online)*
Methods in Rhizosphere Ecology and Plant-Microbe Interactions
STOCKSCH 590STA. Plant-microbe-soil interactions mediate key ecological functions, such as nutrient cycling, plant productivity and stress tolerance, soil carbon storage, and ecosystem response to change. This class will explore the intricate relationships formed between plants, microbes, and other biota that inhabit the soil. Students will gain theoretical knowledge and practical skills necessary to investigate fundamental and applied aspects of rhizosphere ecology and plant-microbe interactions.
Prerequisites: STOCKSCH 105, CHEM 111 and 112, and BIOLOGY 151; plus either STOCKSCH 301 or 505 (plant pathology), or MICROBIO 310 (general microbio)
4 credits/Spring (even years)
Advanced Turfgrass Pathology
STOCKSCH 592P. Review and discussion of concepts and issues related with turfgrass diseases, disease management, and fungicide resistance.
Prerequisite: STOCKSCH 505 (General Plant Pathology, recently renumbered to 301). Open to AS and BS Turfgrass seniors only.
3 credits/Spring (even years)
Special Topic: Topics in Turfgrass Pathology
STOCKSCH 597M. Review and discussion of concepts and issues related with turfgrass diseases. Reading of scientific papers and trade journals required each week. Guest speakers from turfgrass industry present many of the topics and lead subsequent class discussion.
Prerequisite: STOCKSCH 505 (General Plant Pathology, recently renumbered to 301). Open to Stockbridge graduate students, AS and BS Turfgrass seniors only; or instructor permission.
2-3 credits/Spring
Research Literature
STOCKSCH 602. This is an independent study project that allows graduate students to conduct an extensive literature review prior to conducting thesis research. Grading will be based on the quality of the written literature review as evaluated by each student's thesis/dissertation advisor.
Prerequisite: Open only to Stockbridge graduate students in Plant & Soil Sciences.
3 credits/Fall and Spring
Global Challenges in Agriculture and Environment
STOCKSCH 650. The growing human population faces a crisis in food production matched by one in environmental degradation. Demands for food, forage, and biofuel crops and for a healthy and sustainable environment will increase, but climate change, loss of productive soils, decreasing availability of arable land and clean water, emerging and resurgent pests and diseases, and environmental pollution threaten our ability to maintain present levels of crop production and environmental quality. This course will address topics related to the challenges imposed by climate change and environmental contamination on plant growth and production, ecosystem integrity, soil health and ecology, and the sustainability of landscapes. Modern biotechnology, improving soil health through carbon and nutrient management, and developing climate resilient crop systems offer solutions to these problems. This course will be taught by a faculty team from the Stockbridge School of Agriculture, using four themes: 1. Pathogen and pest issues and management in issues in agriculture. 2. Abiotic stresses and climate resilient crops. 3. Soil Health and resource management. 4. Soil contamination and remediation. Students will be assigned papers in the current scientific literature and expected to engage in weekly discussions and write analyses. Course is required for all graduate students in Plant & Soil Sciences.
3 credits/Spring
STOCKSCH 687. This course will cover the various aspects of phytoremediation - the use of plants (both natural hyper-accumulators and transgenic) and their associated microbes, with the purpose of environmental clean-up of contaminated soil, sediments, and water. Various strategies for phytoremediation of a wide range of toxic pollutants, both organic and elemental, with special emphasis on toxic metals will be discussed.
Prerequisites: BIOLOGY 103, 151, and 152 (Intro Bio I+II); STOCKSCH 384 (plant physiology)
3 credits/Fall
Soil Ecology
STOCKSCH 690S. Biological processes found in the soil are essential to life on Earth. This course will introduce students to soils as their own ecosystem. Throughout the course, we will weave together descriptions of the diversity of life found within soils, plant-soil interactions, and biogeography, to paint a mosaic of soil life, its complexity and global importance. The final portion of the course will address the global challenges facing soil ecosystems and the potential of the soil health movement. This course will have three field trips which will occur during our regularly scheduled lecture time.
Prerequisite: STOCKSCH 105 (soils) or ENVIRSCI 364 (environmental soil science)
3 credits/Fall
Special Topics in Plant-Pathogen Interactions
STOCKSCH 692A. One of the key issues threatening plant production in agriculture and the landscape is plant disease, particularly growing threats from new infectious pathogens. In this journal club we will focus on research papers that describe plant-microbe interactions, with specific reference to plant diseases and their management. Modern ?omic? methods have greatly increased understanding of how pathogens attack plants, how plants defend themselves, and how non-pathogenic microbes play a role in disease defense. We will address the plant microbiome, the phytobiome, as well as the impact of typical plant disease management methods on plant/microbe ecology, and how a better understanding of plant-microbe interactions could enable development of more sustainable plant disease management.
Prerequisite: Open to graduate students only.
1 credit/Spring TBD
Soils and Climate Change
STOCKSCH 692B. According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, global temperatures are expected to increase 1.1 to 6.4 degrees Celsius during the 21st century, and precipitation patterns will be altered by climate change. Soils are intricately linked to the atmospheric climate system through the carbon, nitrogen, and hydrologic cycles. An altered climate will therefore have an effect on soil processes and properties, and at the same time, the soils themselves will have an effect on climate. Studies of the effects of climate change on soils are still nascent, but have revealed that climate change will impact soil organic matter dynamics, and soil processes and properties related to fertility, water retention, nutrient export, and contaminant dynamics. This journal club serves to critically review the literature on the direction and magnitude of climate change impacts on soils. Students make one presentation of a journal article from a reputable journal with the advice and final approval from the instructor. Topics may include but are not limited to, soil (micro)biology, chemistry, pedology, plant-soil interactions (rhizosphere science), hydrology, biogeochemistry, and ecology.
1 credit/Fall (odd years)
Plant, Microbe, Soil Interactions
STOCKSCH 692M. This journal club is open to graduate students who have an interest in reviewing the current scientific literature in the field of plant-microbe-soil interactions.
1 credit/Fall and Spring
Plant Stress Physiology Journal Club
STOCKSCH 692P. This journal club is open to graduate students who have an interest in reviewing the current scientific literature in the field of plant stress physiology.
Prerequisites: Instructor permission; open to graduate students only
1 credit/Fall
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