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The Associate of Science degree is a 2-year degree tht forgoes most general education courses in favor of specialized courses that comprise the minimum necessary to be gainfully employed in the field.  Please refer to the current AS Student Handbook for complete details about the requirements described below.

All students are responsible for their progress towards graduation and the fulfillment of requirements. Candidates must successfully complete the following minimum requirements to qualify for the associate of science degree:

  • Earn a cumulative grade point average of 2.000 or higher.
  • Obtain a 2.000 or higher in all core courses in the major (indicated in bold type in the curricula).
  • Receive a grade of "C" or higher for their internship.
  • Complete all departmental requirements, including the internship, courses, and credits, as shown in the academic program at the time of first enrollment.
  • Earn the total number of credits required by the major (some majors may require more than 60). Thirty credits must be completed in residence; this 30 credit requirement may not include any Continuing Education courses. (A matriculated student may not take more than 9 total credits through the Division of Continuing Education, and no more than 6 credits during any one semester.)
  • Satisfy all financial obligations to the School and University.


Dean's List
Stockbridge students who achieve a semester grade point average of 3.50 or higher are appointed to the official Dean's List at the end of any semester in which they are classified as full-time students. A minimum of 12 graded credits is required to achieve Dean's List.

The Stockbridge Honorary Scholastic Society, LEAR (Celtic word for learning), was established in 1935 to encourage high scholarship. Students who earn a 3.75 cumulative grade point average for three and/or four semesters are elected to membership in this society in December or May, respectively. Certificates are awarded to members who achieve this extraordinary distinction.

Cum Laude
Graduating seniors with a cumulative grade point average of 3.20 or higher and have a minimum of 33 graded residency credits will receive their degree cum laude.

The cumulative averages on which academic policy is based are as follows:
                        Good Standing               Probation               Suspension   

Semester          Min. Cum. Ave.               
First                        2.00                             1.99 or less               1.34 or less
Second                  2.00                                 ____                       1.99 or less
Third                       2.00                                 ____                       1.99 or less
Fourth                     2.00                                 ____                      1.99 or less

Good Standing
Students are in good academic standing when their cumulative average at the end of any semester is 2.000 or above. This requirement applies to full-time and part-time students.

Academic Probation
Students are placed on academic probation when their cumulative GPA at the end of any semester falls below a 2.00. They are eligible to return to school the following semester.

Students on probationary status are required to:

  • improve their academic performance so that their cumulative GPA falls within the range required to prevent a suspension
  • have an academic hold placed on their record
  • meet with the Stockbridge School Dean in order to have the academic hold removed

Academic Suspension
An academic suspension is enforced when the student’s cumulative GPA falls below the range listed above. Suspension is a one-semester separation from the Stockbridge School and UMass, including the Division of Continuing Education.
Suspended students:

  • may not return to Stockbridge for the subsequent semester
  • must take a minimum of six (6) credits at another college or university
  • must seek approval from the Stockbridge School Dean for courses taken at another college or university prior to enrollment
  • must successfully complete the courses with a minimum grade of “C”

After one semester’s absence and the successful completion of six (6) credits at another college or university, a student may file a Reinstatement Application Form with the Stockbridge School Office. 
Deadline dates for readmission are:         
Fall semester           April 1
Spring semester     October 15

Academic Dismissal
Academic Dismissal is a permanent separation from the School. Students who are readmitted after any Academic Suspension and fail to achieve or maintain good standing in any subsequent semester will be placed on Academic Dismissal, unless an appeal is granted (see Right of Appeal).

Withdrawal (Voluntary and Administrative)
A student who wishes to voluntarily withdraw from the university at any time must meet with the Stockbridge School Director to discuss the process and re-admission if they intend to return. Students failing to meet their financial obligations to the university will be administratively withdrawn. Notification of administrative withdrawal will be sent by email and the student can see their withdrawn status in SPIRE. Students must resolve their outstanding financial obligations with the Bursar and then see the Stockbridge School Dean.

Immediate Reinstatement
Students who are placed on Academic Suspension or Dismissal may be granted Immediate Reinstatement if the Stockbridge School Dean determines that extenuating circumstances exist. Although these students will have been formally suspended or dismissed (the Suspension or Dismissal will be noted on the academic record), they may enroll for the succeeding semester. If these students fall below good standing in any subsequent semester, they will be subject to Academic Dismissal.

Right of Appeal
Students who are placed on Academic Suspension or Dismissal have the right to appeal their academic status. Authority for determining students' academic status resides with the Stockbridge School Dean or the Committee on Admissions and Records. Consideration will be given to significant extenuating circumstances that could have reasonably affected academic performance. Students wishing to appeal their academic status will write a letter to the Stockbridge School Dean, who will then consult with the appropriate program coordinator and faculty as needed. All appeals will be judged on an individual basis and all decisions are final.

Applying for Readmission
Applications for readmission must be submitted to the Stockbridge School Director with a letter stating the reasons for leaving school and the reasons for desiring return.  A Reinstatement Application Form must be completed and received by April 15 to guarantee on-campus housing for the fall semester or by October 1 for the spring semester.

Good standing: a student who left Stockbridge in good standing is eligible to apply for readmission for any academic semester.

Suspension: a student who has been suspended for academic deficiencies may not be readmitted until the successful completion of six (6) credits at another college or university. An official transcript from the institution must be included with the readmission application and letter to the Stockbridge Director.

Medical reasons: a student who withdrew for reasons of health must obtain clearance for readmission from the Director of Health Services. The readmission application must first be sent to Health Services for endorsement from the Director of Health Services before being sent to the Director of the Stockbridge School.