Health Equity
Our research has health equity at its core. We seek to authentically engage in community-partnered and multidisciplinary research to investigate the social production of health disparities through individual research and through our Center for Community Health Equity Research.
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Center for Community Health Equity Research
The Center for Community Health Equity Research seeks to promote health equity by engaging in community-partnered research.
Related faculty
Susan Shaw
Director, Center for Community Health Equity Research
Focus on racial and ethnic health disparities, structural racism and health, gender and sexuality, community-based and participatory research.

Kathryn Derose
Acting Director, Center for Community Health Equity Research
Focus on community partnerships, health inequalities, immigrants, Latin America, mixed methods.

Lindiwe Sibeko
Department Chair, Nutrition
Focus on maternal and child health among racialized low-income populations, breastfeeding & lactation, community-engaged research, diet behaviors & adolescence

Aline Gubrium
Program Head, Community Health Education
Focus on sexual and reproductive health, rights, and justice; participatory digital, visual, and narrative research methodologies; health promotion

Sofiya Alhassan
Focus on community family-based physical activity interventions

Megan Gross
Focus on bilingual language development and neurodiversity (e.g., developmental language disorder, autism); code-switching; cognitive control