Master of Public Policy and Administration and Master of Public Health Dual Degree
Learn policy-driven approaches to solving public health and health care issues.
Health policy and management, in conjunction with the UMass Amherst School of Public Policy, offers a master of public policy and administration (MPPA) and master of public health (MPH) dual degree program. The MPPA/MPH program equips students with the skills needed to conduct effective health policy analysis; understand organizational processes within the health sector; develop policy-based approaches to address issues of public health importance; and translate complex public health policies for a lay audience.
Students enrolled in dual degree programs may begin their studies in either program. It is best to complete a full year in one program before beginning the second program. In the second year students will fulfill the core requirements of the other program. During the third year of study students fulfill the remaining requirements of both programs.
To learn more, please visit the School of Public Policy website. Or contact:
- Our SPHHS Graduate Admissions and Enrollment Office at sphhsgradapply [at] umass [dot] edu (sphhsgradapply[at]umass[dot]edu).
- School of Public Policy Recruitment and Admissions Manager Michael Marr at mlmarr [at] umass [dot] edu (mlmarr[at]umass[dot]edu) or 413-545-3940.