Undergraduates with appropriate mathematics backgrounds are encouraged to apply for a Teaching Assistantship position.
The application form opens during next term's registration week. Applicants are strongly encouraged to first register for classes and then submit the application form.
The deadline to submit the form and letter of recommendation is Friday, December 6th.
Teaching Assistant (TA) Duties
Below is a list of "typical" duties of Teaching Assistants. Duties will vary for different courses TAs are assigned to assist with. The supervising professor should provide details about expectations for a specific course.
- Assist with the teaching and administration of a large lecture section in a course such as Math 100, 101, 102, 104, 121, 127, 128.
- Attend and assist (with questions, material distribution etc) during the weekly lectures of the supervising professor.
- Prepare and run study groups and discussion sections.
- Hold office hours in the course's help center.
- Serve as proctor in the course's exams.
- Answer students' emails.
- Coordinate with the professor and the other TAs.
The regular TA workload is 8.75 hours per week. This is a paid position. Hourly wages go up every semester an undergraduate Teaching Assistant is re-hired by the Department of Mathematics and Statistics.
- Undergraduate Overview
- Major Requirements
- Advising Information
- Activities, Research and Scholarships
- Actuarial Science
- Association for Women in Mathematics (AWM)
- Career Opportunities
- Honors
- Minor, Secondary Major, Dual Degree
- Transfer and AP Credit and Study Abroad
- R1 Exemption
- Learning Resources
- Math Club
- Math Competition
- Directed Reading Program