Baoshan Xing
Director of Stockbridge School and University Distinguished Professor, Undergraduate & Graduate Faculty—Environmental & Soil Chemistry
Mailing Address
Stockbridge School of Agriculture
410 Paige Laboratory
161 Holdsworth Way
University of Massachusetts
Amherst, MA 01003
Office Phone
(413) 545-5212
(413) 577-0242
Curriculum Vitae
University Distinguished Professor of Environmental & Soil Chemistry
Director of Stockbridge School of Agriculture
Ph.D. in Environmental & Soil Chemistry, University of Alberta, Canada
M.S. in Soil Chemistry & Mineralogy, University of Alberta, Canada
B.S. in Agronomy, Heilongjiang Bayi Agricultural University, China
University Distinguished Professor
UMass Conti Faculty Fellowship
UMass Amherst Spotlight Scholar
Highly ranked in the world among the Best Scientists in Environmental Sciences (
Honorary Professor, Heilongjiang Bayi Agricultural University
Award for Outstanding Accomplishments in Research and Creative Activity (UMass)
Highly Cited Researchers since 2014
Fellow of Soil Science Society of America (SSSA)
Fellow of Agronomy Society of America (ASA)
Soil Science Research Award
Environmental Quality Research Award
Marion L. and Chrystie M. Jackson Soil Science Award
Visiting/adjunct professor, Tsinghua University (2018-2020)
Kingenta Agricultural Science Award
ACSPSNA Distinguished Career Award
Cheung Kong (visiting/jiangzuo) Scholar (2008-2010)
Outstanding Research Award from SSSA and ASA (northeast branch)
Outstanding Researcher Award, College of Natural Sciences
The Queen Elizabeth II Doctoral Fellowship in Environmental Studies
2004–present Professor
2000–2003 Associate Professor
1996–1999 Assistant Professor
1999–present Adjunct Professor, Department of Chemistry, UMass
2004–present Professor, University of Massachusetts School of Marine Sciences
Environmental Soil Chemistry (STOCKSCH 575 & ENVSCI 575) with labs
Inorganic Contaminants in Soil, Water, and Sediment (STOCKSCH 585)
Advanced Soil Chemistry (STOCKSCH 830)
Our research in Environmental & Soil Chemistry focuses on the protection of our environment through maintaining/improving soil and water quality. Particular interests include: (1) environmental behavior and agricultural application of engineered nanomaterials, (2) analysis and environmental processes of micro(nano)plastics, (3) interactions between organic compounds and carbonaceous materials/mineral particles, (4) characterization and use of organic matter and biochar, and (5) food safety.
Over 700 refereed journal articles and six books.
Institutions: Jiangnan University, Ocean University of China, Kunming University of Science and Technology, and the Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Visiting Scholars: Qi Wang, Min Wu, Zhenjie Zhao, Ye Li, Zehui Yang, Yu Kong