Graduate Student Advising
This list of graduate program directors provides contact information for the main advisors for all CNS graduate programs.
Graduate Program Directors
Kathleen Arcaro
Kathleen Arcaro is a graduate program director and a professor in the Department of Veterinary & Animal Sciences.

Michael Barnes
Micheal Barnes is a graduate program director and a professor in the Department of Chemistry.

Forrest J. Bowlick
MS Geography-GIST Concentration Graduate Program Director
Lecturer, ECo and Geosciences
Forrest J. Bowlick is the associate department head for finance and operations, a graduate program director, and lecturer.

Tom Braden
Tom Braden is a graduate program director and professor in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics.

Julie Brigham-Grette
Julie Brigham-Grette is a graduate program director and a professor in the Department of Earth, Geographic, and Climate Sciences.

Ana Caicedo
Ana Caicedo is the graduate program director for the Plant Biology Interdisciplinary Graduate Program and a professor in Biology.

Britt Crow-Miller
Senior Lecturer
Britt Crow-Miller is a graduate program director and a senior lecturer in the Department of Environmental Conservation.

Lori Goldner
Lori Goldner is a graduate program director and professor in the Department of Physics.

Masoud Hashemi
Extension Professor
Masoud Hashemi is a graduate program director and an extension professor in the Stockbridge School of Agriculture.

Samuel Hazen
Samuel Hazen is the director for the Interdepartmental Graduate Programs and a professor in Biology.

Lili He
Lili He is the department head and a professor in the Department of Food Science.

Duncan J. Irschick
Duncan J. Irschick is the graduate program director for the Organismic and Evolutionary Biology Interdisciplinary Graduate Program and a professor in Biology.

Abigail Jensen
Associate Professor
Abigail Jensen is a graduate program director and an associate professor in the Department of Biology.

Reika Katsumata
Assistant Professor
Reika Katsumata is an Assistant Professor and Graduate Program Director in the Department of Polymer Science and Engineering.

Yasu Morita
Associate Professor
Yasu Morita is a graduate program director and associate professor in the Department of Microbiology.

Rebecca Ready
Rebecca Ready is a graduate program director and a professor in the Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences.

Heather Richardson
Graduate program director for the Neuroscience and Behavior Interdisciplinary Graduate Program and a professor in Psychological and Brain Sciences.

Kristina Stinson
Associate Professor
Kristina Stinson is a graduate program director and an associate professor in the Department of Environmental Conservation.

Margaret Stratton
Associate Professor
Graduate program director for the Molecular & Cellular Biology Interdisciplinary Graduate Program and an associate professor in Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

Grant Wilson
Grant Wilson is the department head and a professor in the Department of Astronomy.

Qian Yu
Associate Professor
Qian Yu is a graduate program director and an associate professor in the Department of Earth, Geographic, and Climate Sciences.