Master of Science in Statistics
Multiple graduate studies options for students interested in statistics and data science.
A master’s degree in statistics at UMass Amherst will prepare you for statistics and data science careers in industry, government, educational organizations, consulting firms, and health care and research organizations. It’s also great preparation if you want to move on to a PhD in statistics, biostatistics, or fields related to data science.
The MS in statistics is designed to provide you with background in basic theory and experience in various applications. As part of your training, you’ll work with popular statistical software packages. The program allows flexibility for you to take statistics courses in other departments on campus as well.
You have multiple program options for your MS in statistics. You may pursue a traditional, on-campus MS in statistics, or if you are an undergraduate at UMass, you might consider the fifth-year MS in statistics, which allows you to begin taking graduate classes during your senior year.
Finally, if you are looking for more flexibility, UMass offers a remote master’s in statistics. The program is entirely online, and all required courses are offered through the Mount Ida campus in Newton, Massachusetts.