Residential Academic Programs

Students speaking outdoors


Commonwealth Honors College offers several Honors Residential Academic Programs (RAPs), which give first-year honors students the opportunity to live and take classes together.

Honors RAPS are opportunities to live in the Commonwealth Honors College Residential Community with students who are enrolled in one or two of your classes. Designed to ease your transition to college, these programs enable you to build relationships with others both socially and academically.

The courses selected as part of these programs assist you in meeting your general education and honors requirements. During the first semester, you’ll take one or two courses with other CHC students living in the same residence hall.


You  must enroll in all of the Honors RAP classes associated with your chosen RAP. 

Since there is a housing component, you are only eligible to sign up for one RAP. 

If the scheduling of a course needed to fulfill a major requirement conflicts with the scheduling of a RAP course, major requirements will take precedence, and you’ll need to drop your RAP.

Campus RAPs 

The university offers other First-Year RAPs, open to all university students, in most residential areas. For more information and to see the university’s full RAP selection, refer to the UMass RAP website.