Study Abroad

Each year, Honors College students choose from hundreds of opportunities to study abroad or do a campus exchange to expand their academic and cultural horizons for the cost of UMass Amherst tuition.
Your options for study and research extend far beyond the boundaries of the UMass Amherst campus.
Study Abroad
Study abroad is an incredible opportunity to experience what it is like to live and study in another country, usually for the cost of UMass Amherst tuition. It is possible to find programs for the summer as well as for the academic year.
International Scholars Program
Commonwealth Honors College co-sponsors the International Scholars Program, which allows highly qualified Honors College students to integrate international studies coursework with study abroad interests.
International Programs Office
The International Programs Office offers more than 300 education abroad programs in more than 60 countries, ranging from total immersion in a non-English-speaking country to English-speaking programs in both English and non-English-speaking countries. Many of the options are overseen by UMass Amherst, and some are taught by UMass Amherst, while others are nationally-run programs.