Timeline for Individually Contracted Honors Thesis
This timeline provides a handy overview of basic deadlines and expectations for the completion of the Individually Contracted Thesis. Keep in mind that your Thesis Committee may customize the timeline and/or you may start or complete your thesis on a different schedule.
499Y Semester Plan
- Initiate conversations with faculty regarding potential Honors Thesis topics.
- Attend the Honors Thesis workshops, preferably starting in the first semester of junior year.
April of Junior Year
- Recruit a faculty sponsor for the Thesis Committee,
- Discuss your 499Y Semester Plan Proposal with faculty (Honors Thesis Part 1), which addresses:
- Statement regarding the goal of the Research Manuscript or Creative Portfolio
- Key readings
- Communication with committee
- Specialized training
- Methodology, Approach or Process
- Timeline
- Submit your 499Y Semester Plan Proposal using the online Honors Thesis Proposal Contract Course process via CHC Paths. (See the PATHS landing page for deadlines.)
- Get detailed instructions on creating and submitting the 499Y Semester Plan Proposal.
September - December of Senior Year
- Conduct 499Y Semester Plan Proposal work.
- Initiate the research or creative endeavor as appropriate.
499T/P Honors Thesis Proposal
November - December of Senior Year
- Thesis Committee evaluates 499Y Semester Plan Proposal work and determines if student may proceed with the 499T/P Honors Thesis Proposal (Honors Thesis Part 2).
- Discuss and draft 499T/P Honors Thesis Proposal, which addresses:
- Introduction
- Literature review
- Methodology, Approach or Process
- Evaluation
- Communication with committee
- Timeline
- Recruit second Committee Member
- Submit your 499T/P Honors Thesis Proposal using the online Honors Thesis Proposal Contract Course process via CHC Paths. (See the PATHS landing page for deadlines.)
- Get detailed instructions on submitting the 499T/P Honors Thesis Proposal.
January - March of Senior Year
- Continue 499T/P Honors Thesis Proposal Research Manuscript or Creative Portfolio.
March of Senior Year
- Create draft of Research Manuscript or Creative Portfolio artifact, for Thesis Committee review.
April of Senior Year
- Present your final presentation to the Thesis Committee.
- Finalize Research Manuscript or Creative Portfolio with artifact.
- Submit properly formatted Research Manuscript or Creative Portfolio with artifact by the end of classes via CHC Paths.
Students intending to complete all 6 credits in one semester should use only the Part II contract to submit their Contract and Registration request and complete proposal.