Thesis Committee
Thesis Faculty Committee
Each Individually Contracted Honors Thesis requires the creation of a two-person Thesis Committee, which must include a faculty sponsor and a Committee Member.
In most cases, the Thesis Committee will consist of two people, a faculty sponsor (thesis director) and a second Committee Member. Your Thesis Committee will help you develop a proposal, provide feedback during research and writing, and conduct the final presentation.
Before you start your Honors Thesis Proposal for Honors Thesis Part 2, you should meet with the full Thesis Committee. as each member might have different ideas about what the Honors Thesis work should accomplish. It is very important to clarify each person’s interests and expectations before the research or creative endeavor begins. You and your Thesis Committee must also determine the level of involvement of the committee members. It is best to record a detailed agreement of expectations in writing as part of your formal proposal to safeguard against potential misunderstandings at a later date.
Faculty Sponsor
The faculty sponsor (thesis director) is the faculty member with whom you will work most closely, and who will also be responsible for the routing of forms and information. In consultation with other Thesis Committee member(s), the faculty sponsor will determine the grade for the completed Honors Thesis at the final presentation.
The faculty sponsor you choose should be an expert in the area of your research, and preferably someone with whom you have had previous experience, perhaps through a class or an Honors Independent Study.
Once you have selected a faculty sponsor, it is a good idea to set up regular meetings to keep them informed of your progress and discuss any existing or potential problems.
Second Committee Member
The second Committee Member is responsible for assisting you with research and participating in the final presentation. This Committee Member might play significant roles at particular points in the research or creative process, such as providing assistance with the creation of your artifact, statistics, or reference resources.
In general, only one second Committee Member is required. For the Departmental Honors track, the Honors Program Director must also approve your choice. Some departments may require a three-person committee.
The second Committee Member is usually a member of the UMass Amherst or Five Colleges faculty or post-doctoral fellow. With approval from the Committee Chair and Commonwealth Honors College, it might be possible to select a second Committee Member from another university or a professional in a related field.
Selection Deadlines
You will need to recruit a faculty sponsor to serve on your Thesis Committee before you can submit your 499Y Semester Plan Proposal.
You will need to recruit a second Committee Member before you can submit your 499T/P Honors Thesis Proposal (Honors Thesis Part 2) prior to the second semester of your thesis work.
Committee Constituents
Departmental Honors
Please consult with your Honors Program Director before selecting your committee members.
- Faculty sponsor: Faculty selected by you, usually in your department.
- Committee Member(s): Faculty or other approved individual(s), in consultation with the faculty sponsor and the Honors Program Director.
Multidisciplinary Honors
- Faculty sponsor: Faculty in area of expertise.
- Committee Member: Faculty or other approved individual.
Selecting Thesis Committee Members
If you are not sure who to ask to be on your Thesis Committee, speak with the Honors Program Director and/or the chief undergraduate advisor of your department and ask which faculty members have chaired committees in the past, who has interests similar to yours.
Once you have recruited a faculty sponsor, they can suggest colleagues who might be willing to serve as the second Committee Member. Honors Program Directors from other departments may also be able to provide suggestions for potential members from their departments.
It is important to choose someone who either shares a passion for your topic or someone with whom you work well. While many students assemble their Thesis Committee with professors they have had in a class or independent study, it is possible to work with a faculty member who you may not currently know well, but whose expertise is in the field you wish to study. It’s a good idea to speak to several faculty members to identify those who would be good mentors before making a decision.