Curriculum Requirements
The Commonwealth Honors College (CHC) curriculum includes two sets of requirements; Breadth or Study and Depth of Study, geared to the level and type of inquiry students pursue as honors students. The Breadth of Study requirements include broader inquiry in courses in both in the honors college and in academic departments. The Depth of Study requirements address the deeper understanding that students seek in their honors education. These requirements vary according to which track students choose for Depth of Study. The choices are either Multidisciplinary Honors (MH) or Departmental Honors (DH).
The CHC curriculum requirements highlighted below are for all students who entered UMass during the Fall 2024 semester and beyond. All students who entered UMass prior to Fall 2024 should refer to the curriculum requirements, and should meet with a CHC Advisor if any questions remain.
Breadth of Study
General Education honors course
As an CHC student, you may fulfill the UMass Amherst General Education (Gen Ed) requirements by taking courses specifically designed for honors students.
Ideally taken in the first year. If you have already completed UMass Gen Ed requirements, you may substitute this with any honors course. (3+ credits)
Ideas That Change the World
A Signature Honors Class; this interdisciplinary seminar will challenge you to think critically about the world, explore some of the profound ideas that have shaped it, and expand your own creative potential.
Ideally taken in the first year. Also fulfills UMass I and DU Gen Eds. No substitutions. (4 credits)
Honors College Writing
Exclusively for CHC students, this course focuses on further developing writing, revising, critical thinking and editing skills for academic, professional, civic, and personal purposes.
Ideally taken in the first year. Also fulfills UMass' College Writing Gen Ed. If you have already completed UMass' College Writing Gen Ed requirement, you may substitute this with any honors course. (3+ credits)
Honors Discovery Seminars
Each of these Signature Honors Courses offers an in-depth, discussion-based exploration of a question intriguing the faculty member teaching it, and are open to CHC students of any major.
Ideally taken in sophomore year. No substitutions. (1 credit)
Depth of Study
Choose a track
Common characteristics of honors courses within the major are small class size, increased pace, advanced-level readings, lots of discussion, and a learner-centered approach that encourages you to be the co-creator of your educational experience.
Departmental Honors
Each department has department-specific requirements for fulfilling the DH track.
Any level honors course in your major
Ideally taken in the junior year. (3+ credits)
300 level or higher honors course in your major
Ideally taken in the junior year. (3+ credits)
Multidisciplinary Honors
Any level honors course
Ideally taken in the junior year. (3+ credits) Consider taking the Junior Year Common Experience (HONORS 323H), which also fulfills UMass SB and DU Gen Eds. (4 credits)
300 level or higher honors course
Ideally taken in the junior year. (3+ credits) Consider taking the Junior Year Common Experience (HONORS 323H), which also fulfills UMass SB and DU Gen Eds. (4 credits)
Honors Thesis
The Honors Thesis centers around an original investigation of a topic of your choice. Every honors thesis will take the form of a written document, in some cases accompanied by a physical artifact like a musical score, film, computer program, or invention that demonstrates critical thinking, a mastery of disciplinary material, and the communication of complex ideas.
Departmental Honors
Honors Thesis Part 1 in your major
Ideally taken in the senior year. First part of a year-long commitment with the same instructor. (3+ credits)
Honors Thesis Part 2 in your major
Ideally taken in the senior year. Second part of a year-long commitment with the same instructor. (3+ credits)
Multidisciplinary Honors
Honors Thesis Part 1
Ideally taken in the senior year. First part of year-long commitment with the same instructor. (3+ credits)
Honors Thesis Part 2
Ideally taken in the senior year. Second part of year-long commitment with the same instructor. (3+ credits)