IT Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions
How to I connect to the wireless network (eduroam)?
First connect to the UMASS wireless network and open your browser. It should automatically connect you to the UMASS IT page with instructions to install eduroam. Further instructions are available for troubleshooting connections, adding guest wireless accounts and conference wireless access.
If you have any additional questions, please contact EdTech.
What do I do if I can't connect to the screens in classrooms (conference) rooms?
Each Room should have detailed instructions about connecting to the screens located near the wall panel. Please refer to our classroom AV status page for up-to-date information on the room. If you need immediate assistance, please contact EdTech.
Learn more about what technology is available in the Furcolo classrooms.
How can I setup a Zoom conference call (audio or video)?
Use Zoom for audio or video conference calls:
- Login to Zoom at UMass. Click Sign In to use your SSO (Single Sign On) to login into zoom.
- Schedule a meeting
- Create a Personal Meeting Room for scheduled meetings or instant meetings
- Learn how to let participants join the meeting before the host
I would like a new computer. When might I expect to get one?
The College of Education has a refresh policy (login required) for staff and faculty primary computer. If you are needing an additional computer, EdTech can help you configure and purchase. Contact EdTech when you are ready to start the process.
How do I access my shared drives when I am working at home?
1. Make sure you are connected to VPN (Virtual Private Network). Here are links on how to connect to VPN for Mac and for Windows
2. Once you are connected via VPN, try accessing your shared drives.
If you have any additional questions, please contact EdTech.
Can I get help with my upcoming event?
The College of Education Communications office can help with event planning. Fill out the Event Form (login required) and it will guide you through the required and optional fields.
We encourage you to provide as complete an event description as possible and to add high quality images using the image fields. A complete description and photos help to promote your event and will increase the chance of it being featured on our website and social media.
If you want your event on the college-wide calendar, fill out a ticket with College Communications.
Please refer to our classroom description and AV status pages for equipment available in each classroom when determining location of event.
If you have any additional questions, please contact EdTech.
How can I check if a classroom has an AV system set up?
Please refer to our classroom AV status page. If you want to know what is available in a classroom, view the classroom descriptions.
If you have any additional questions, please contact EdTech.
How do I scan (to email or USB) on the College of Education copiers?
Scan to email:
- Click on the Home Screen
- Choose Email
- If you are a faculty or staff, your email address has already been registered in the copier address book. You can search your email address in the address book, which is alphabetized by first name. If you are not a faculty or staff, click the keypad icon and manually type in your email address.
- Once you have selected your email, start scanning by clicking on the "Job Start" button on the screen or by pressing the green button to the right of the screen.
- Upon scanning all materials, click "Finish Job" option. Wait until a notice of successful email transmission shows up at the top of the screen to confirm email delivery.
View the scan to email documentation with images for more information and details about scanning
Scan to USB:
Follow the steps above at step 2, choose USB.
If you have any additional questions, please contact EdTech.
How can I safely back up my data?
The university provides multiple ways to have a protected backup of your data:
Secure Cloud File Storage
- Google Drive (NetID and password required)
- OneDrive (NetID and password required)
Backup Software
- CrashPlan - Available for Macs and Windows machines backed up to the cloud
- Time Machine - Available for Macs only to external hard drive
Visit the UMass IT page on data protection to learn about more about data protection and security.
If you have any additional questions, please contact EdTech.
How can I provide remote attendance to my classes and events?
Providing remote access to a live event helps include people who would otherwise be unable to attend or contribute.
See Tools for Supporting Remote Attendance for lists of rooms, equipment and other tools available in the College of Education.
See Managing Remote Attendance for strategies and best practices.