Graduate Certificate in Public Health Curriculum
Total Credits: 12
Required classes:
SPHHS 605-Health Equity and the Foundations of Public Health Practice
SPHHS 606-Leading Change: Policy, Advocacy, and Ethics
SPHHS 615-Biostatistics and Epidemiology Part A: Description, Estimation, and Exposures
SPHHS 616-Biostatistics and Epidemiology Part B: Evidence, Threats, and Action
Recommended course of study:
- First term: SPHHS 605 and SPHHS 615
- Second term: SPHHS 606 and SPHHS 616
Recommended course of study for one course per term:
- First term: SPHHS 605
- Second term: SPHHS 606
- Third term: SPHHS 615
- Fourth term: SPHHS 616
Students should not take courses out of order and cannot take more than two courses per term. There are no elective courses required for the program. Upon completion of all four classes, the certificate will be awarded.