'Daily Hampshire Gazette' Reports on UMass Extension's Research on Crop Tolerance

UMass Extension's collaboration with farmers in the Pioneer Valley region was referenced in a recent article from the Daily Hampshire Gazette. The article recalls 2023's devastating flooding that threatened local farmers' livelihoods. Last year's flood damage necessitated millions of dollars in support from the Farm Resiliency Fund, as well as $20 million distributed throughout Massachusetts from the Natural Disaster Recovery Program for Agriculture.
However, the article goes on to say that farms around the Pioneer Valley are experiencing a "regular" 2024 farming season. Longer term, farmers will benefit from research that UMass Extension is conducting around crop tolerance.
“We’re seeing shorter springs, more mild winters…I think we’re really mindful of that,” [Massachusetts Department of Agriculture Commissioner Ashley Randle] said, highlighting grant programs and technical assistance for farmers, as well as working with agencies like the UMass Extension to develop more tolerant crops.
— The Daily Hampshire Gazette
Click here to read the full article.