2018-2019 Progress
Current CNS Activities
- Participate in Provost office’s reception/recruitment event (Spring)
- Sponsors and coordinates Eureka Program with Girls Inc.
- Sponsor, organize and host community college (CC) visit days, called Community College Day and STEM Starter Academy
- Hired an Academic/ Diversity Advisor to do ‘proactive advising’
- Provide individualized mentoring
- Targeted Early Alert Program in STEM courses (Bio 151, Bio 152; Chem 111, Chem 112, Chem 261, Chem 262 and Math 127) – early outreach and advising to individuals, who are in jeopardy of earning a C- or lower grade- individuals traditionally underrepresented in STEMsCommunity Building: sponsor mixers: CNS Office of Student Success and Diversity (OSSD) alone or with other offices, such as CMASS
- Started Peer Advisors Program, diverse group of UMass students to help peers navigate advising questions
- Provide leadership and serve as co-PI on grant applications focused on broadening participation, such as S-STEM and HHMI
- Expose students to REU opportunities: STEM Ambassadors (Riley)/ NELSAMP (Baker/Gibson) /IALS-M2M (Chien)/ SPPUR
- Provide sponsorship for student travel expenses to career events that target URM and/or women in STEM
- Conduct student success/ professional development workshops such as ‘first in college'
Planned CNS Activities
- Strengthen partnerships with community colleges and Western MA area high schools – Start Visiting Scientist Partnership Program
- Tutoring: work with Learning Resource Center (LRC) to initiate a targeted ExSEL tutoring group (based on early alert data)
- Create a Biology on-line Prep course, termed eBIOS, that targets individuals traditionally underrepresented in STEM fields
- Expand BIOS and iCONS Programs to enhance diversity
- Increase CNS Office of Student Success and Diversity (OSSD) profile through social media, brochure and UMass website
- Design a Mentoring Program with URM Scientist (UMass alum and other scientist) – pilot with first generation college students
- Build a CNS- Residential Academic Program (RAP) for first generation and URM students ( holistic Bio-TAP model)
- Partner with minority serving institutions (MSI)s – to create a Domestic Exchange Program
- Construct a CC-Summer Bridge Program for Western MA community college transfer students. Components will include REU experience or academic preparation (if applicable) and weekly seminar/ social event
- Develop a 4-week Summer Residential BIOS Program