Certificate in Asian Pacific American Studies
A deep exploration of the experiences of Asians and Pacific Islanders in the Americas.
Internationally renowned scholars and writers from across the Five Colleges participate in the Asian Pacific American studies certificate program, representing a wide variety of fields and areas of specialization, including Asian American literature and culture, anthropology, creative writing, education, environmental studies, gender and sexuality studies, history, and sociology.
In this program, students will pursue concentrated study of the experiences of Asians and Pacific Islanders in the Americas in order to appreciate Asian/Pacific/American (A/P/A) cultural and artistic expressions; understand and critique the racial formation of Asian/Pacific/Americans; and investigate how international conflicts, global economic systems, and ongoing migration affect A/P/A communities and individuals and their intersections with others.
The certificate in Asian Pacific American studies program encourages students not only to develop knowledge of the past experiences of Asian/Pacific/Americans, but also to act with responsible awareness of their present material conditions.