
Ysaaca Axelrod and Sandra Sarucia

The UMass Amherst College of Education and University Without Walls (UWW) Interdisciplinary Studies, partnering with Holyoke Public Schools and Springfield Public Schools, were awarded a $2.2 million Teacher Quality Partnership (TQP) grant from the U.S. Department of Education.

The goals of the program are specifically aimed at helping paraprofessionals, particularly those of color and currently working in Springfield and Holyoke schools, advance their training and qualifications to enter the early childhood education field with Early Childhood Education (ECE) PreK-2 licenses. Additionally, professional development opportunities will be provided through collaboration between the faculty from the UMass Child and Family Studies Concentration and school district experts. 

Currently, there is a teacher shortage in both of these districts. More importantly, the teacher workforce does not match the diversity of the student population. This grant, by working with paraprofessionals and ECE educators without a degree or initial license, will begin to address this issue. 

The first year of the grant provided an opportunity for the school districts, the College of Education, and UWW to create a seamless pathway for recruitment, admission, and advising for new TQP paraprofessionals as well as develop a fully online version of the current Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) ECE program.

Made possible by the grant, UMass EDUC’s Ysaaca Axelrod and Sandra Sarucia presented a 4-day professional development program with 23 educators and instructional coaches from Holyoke and Springfield Public Schools in August.

Participants explored the importance of play in early childhood, developed strategies for children and teachers to engage in play across the curriculum, and focused on the ways teachers incorporate play in their classrooms to promote inclusion and support to all students. After the workshop, all participants were provided with a stipend as well as a resource package of ‘early literacy and play manipulatives,’ generously donated by Pioneer Valley Books.

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