School Psychology PhD Program of Study
Doctoral Program Course Sequence
Students in our APA-accredited PhD program complete a minimum of 117 graduate credits. Students who enter the program directly from the baccalaureate degree earn a master's of education (M.Ed.) in education en route to completing the doctoral program requirements. Students who enter the program with previously earned graduate credits may apply up to 12 of those credits toward the doctoral plan of study. Students are not required to retake courses that apply to the doctoral plan of study in school psychology; rather, courses and credits in excess of the 12 that are transferred in are waived from the doctoral plan of study and replacement courses are selected in areas mutually agreed upon by the student and advisor. In these instances, students often elect to take additional course work in areas of psychology and neuroscience, and measurement and statistics. Typically, students are awarded their PhD degree after 5 or 6 years of graduate work – 3 or 4 years of coursework (including practicum requirements), 1-year full-time doctoral internship, and dissertation work (which usually bridges the 4 years on campus and the year of internship).