Language, Literacy, & Culture
Developing leaders in the study and teaching practices of language and literacy learning in classroom and community.
Language, Literacy, & Culture (LLC) scholars focus on a wide range of topics, including language acquisition, ESL, multicultural education, critical multiliteracies, children's and young adult literature, and critical media literacy. These scholars are transforming education to better meet the needs of all learners in multicultural and multilingual contexts.
Areas of academic study in LLC include:
- First and second language acquisition, ESL, bilingual and world language education
- Reading and writing
- Children's and young adult literature
- Multicultural education
- Critical multiliteracies, oral communication, digital literacies, critical media literacy
- Multimodality and creativity/innovation
- Global awareness and cultural competency
- Problem-solving, teamwork/collaboration, self-directed learning, and leadership
In the interaction and interplay of these areas, our students and faculty seek to transform education to better meet the needs of all learners in a diverse society.