Higher Education 4+1 Accelerated MEd
Are you interested in working as a professional in student affairs, residence life, student success, admissions, or other areas of administration at a college or university?
If so, then a Master's degree in Higher Education could be right for you. UMass Amherst undergraduates can earn a Master's degree with just one year of study beyond their bachelor's with the accelerated 4+1 program in the College of Education.
The Higher Education 4+1 program is designed to assist students who aspire to become leaders in Higher Education. The coursework in Higher Education engages students to reimagine and examine the field of higher education through a social justice lens.
Students interested in the Higher Education 4+1 program apply during the fall of their junior year and if accepted, start taking graduate level courses their senior year.
Prior to applying, we encourage students to take EDUC 393F Leadership Careers in Student Affairs or EDUC 300 Current Issues in Higher Education, along with at least one social justice educational course.