Clement Alexander Seldin
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Dr. Seldin teaches courses in the Commonwealth Honors College including Controversial Issues in Education, a Gen Ed (SB) he created. He has been honored by many teaching awards including the College Outstanding Teaching Award and the University Distinguished Teaching Award. His research, published in such journals as Educational Research Quarterly, the Journal of Education, and Phi Delta Kappan, examines authentic problems that affect the lives of students and teachers in American public schools. He is also co-author of The Teaching Portfolio: A Practical Guide to Improved Performance and Promotion/Tenure Decisions (Jossey-Bass), with translations in Spanish, Japanese and Chinese.
During his career, Dr. Seldin has served on numerous Columbia University research teams for The Schools of Education Project, a multi-year study of the nation's 1200 schools of education. In addition, he has served as visiting mentor on the Academic Portfolio Program, a national faculty development program at many universities. Dr. Seldin also has served as Massachusetts Representative to the New England Educational Research Organization.