You can fill out the special request form available online and bring/mail it to the Parking Services office. The special request will be reviewed and you will be notified by phone or email of the decision.
There is a $5.00 replacement fee for permits not returned to us when a replacement permit is needed.
For customers alternating between two or more vehicles on campus, Parking Services offers a portable permit for $14 above cost of an adhesive permit. The portable permit should be properly displayed on the vehicle, and may only be used with vehicles that have been registered with the permit.
A citation must be disputed within 14 days of issuance. Citation appeals may be made by mail (Parking Services, University of Massachusetts, Room 139 Whitmore Bldg, Amherst, MA 01003-9262 – Attn.: Hearings Clerk), online, EXCEPTIONS: Handicapped spaces - If you have a state-issued placard, contact the Special Needs Clerk to register your vehicle and obtain a UMass permit at no charge. Your fine will be waived at that time; Meter violations - Meters have instructions on them that indicate that you may not park at a broken meter. If a meter is broken, please move your vehicle and call (413) 577-7275 to inform Parking Services.
Student and employee permits may be obtained by stopping by Parking Services' office or online. If you would like to purchase a permit in person, you must bring a form of identification and a copy of your registration. If you would like to purchase a permit online, you will be required to fax or mail a copy of your registration.
Bring the permit back to parking services office for a prorated refund.
- Permanent Employee — 25
- 35-Week Employee — 8
- GEO Member — 3
See the Permit Fee Page
There is no free parking on campus from 7 a.m.-5 p.m. If you do not have a permit, you will need to purchase a one-day pass or utilize a metered space or the Campus Parking Garage. From 5 p.m.-7 a.m., you may park in any non-24-hour restricted lot without a permit. You may also park at any metered space from 7 p.m.-7 a.m. at no charge. For more information on lot locations, please see the Interactive Map.
To dispute the outcome of a citation appeal, an additional appeal may be filed with the Hearings Review Board, but must be submitted within 10 days of receipt of the original appeal decision. These appeals must be made in writing and should be sent to: Parking Services, University of Massachusetts, Room 139 Whitmore Bldg, Amherst, MA 01003-9262 – Attn.: Hearing Review Board
We require a copy of the new vehicle's registration.
Our address is Room 139, Whitmore Bldg., Amherst, MA 01003.
Failure to pay outstanding citations may result in the inability to register for classes and/or withholding of transcripts/diploma.
During the summer, customers with valid year-long permits may park in any Yellow, Purple, and some Green Lots. If you do not have a permit, you may obtain one from Parking Services.
All monies collected from parking citations go directly into the University's Parking Scholarship Fund which is administered by the Financial Aid Office.
- Red lots are available to employees and post-doctoral students.
- Blue lots are available to employees, GEO members, and graduate RA's and TA's.
- Green lots are available to employees and off-campus commuter students.
- Purple lots are available to students living on-campus.
- Yellow lots are available to any University community member.
#01 HANDICAP AREA (no state-issued placard/plate or UMass special needs permit) and #21 METER VIOLATION—EXPIRED METER cannot be appealed.
Permanent employees, 35-week employees, and GEO members are all eligible for payroll deduction.
Employees may purchase a portable permit at any time. Off-campus students who have two vehicle registrations assigned to their permit are also eligible. The fee is $14.
The registered owner of the vehicle for which the citation was written is responsible for payment of the citation.
The majority of parking citations are entered into an electronic handheld device which is downloaded directly into our computer system every evening. However, some citations are handwritten. Handwritten citations can take two to three business days to appear in the system. Once a citation is in our system, you can pay for it or appeal it online.
The availability within a lot is based on capacity. All lots are continually reviewed to ensure that as space becomes available, those who are on a waitlist receive priority. To ensure the integrity and consistency of the waiting list, requests are entered as of the date they are made. Requests come from several sources and due to delays with merging data, number assignments may fluctuate until all requests have been entered.
To ensure vehicles are parking legally at UMASS Parking Services Enforcement utilizes License Plate Recognition (LPR) in conjunction with physical permits. LPR uses vehicle mounted cameras to scan license plates to verify they are connected to a valid UMASS Parking permit. The vehicle license plate number is part of the physical permit issued by Parking Services. To park legally on campus, the plate number must be linked to a valid permit and both the permit and vehicle license plate must be visible displayed. When parking, the vehicle license plate must face the drive lane.
Vehicles may be subject to ticket and tow if not visibly displaying a permit and license plate, or if a vehicle is not linked to a valid UMASS permit.
Permit holders are responsible to keep vehicle information current with Parking Services. This information may be updated by contacting our office by phone, or anytime online through My Account at Parking Services website.
Permit Placement
The following instructs you where to affix your parking permit sticker:
Put the sticker on the passenger window (on the driver's side) in the upper left corner of the window.
If the vehicle has only one side window: place the sticker on the upper right corner of the driver's side window
Motorcycles: Clearly display the sticker on the front fender or fork.
If you have a portable parking permit, place it on the rearview mirror, or in the pocket obtained at Parking Services.
The permit must be completely affixed to the window using the permit's adhesive (does not apply to mobile hangtags).
Tinted Windows – Before affixing, contact parking services at 413-577-PARK

(413) 577-7275